I received a lovely testimonial from such a wonderful man I used to train in Sydney and just had to post it. Mark is an incredible doctor in Sydney and he was such a pleasure to work with and in the 2 years I had the pleasure of training him he achieved amazing things with his body! I was so impressed by how far he came!
I am very lucky, over the past 17 years as a trainer, to have found the best mentors and had access to some of the best courses in the world, that I am able to work with each individual to achieve their goals while working with injuries, pain, health issues etc. When I first qualified as a trainer when I was 19, I very quickly realised how complex each person is and how we all have such varying medical histories, so I have dedicated the past 17 years to continually learning more to help the amazing people I get to train. I was lucky enough to use this knowledge to create really challenging programs for Mark that were safe, vary varied, fun and enjoyable.
“I am a 58-year-old physician with a number of grumbling mild musculoskeletal problems: nothing that ever stopped me training and getting fit, just needing good supervision and motivation. Being medical, I am often very sceptical of the credentials and experience of many personal trainers. In other words, whether they have the skills and experience to train people effectively and safely. I had no doubts regarding Aimie’s abilities.
Aimie trained me for over two years across two gyms for three one-on-one sessions per week (well, most weeks). I have never been so fit, and it was the first time I had been down to an ideal body weight since my 20s (I was also on a sensible diet).
She is very experienced and versatile in how she structures her sessions. She has an excellent understanding of how to tailor individual programmes which also made sense from a biomechanical and physiological perspective – ie. my BS detector never went off. The programmes were not repetitive and she integrated many different styles and techniques in her training to keep sessions interesting and challenging.
Aimie has a lovely personality. She is scrupulously honest. She is a very sensible and gentle motivator: never pushing too far or not far enough for my abilities (or previous injuries). I should by saying I hate exercise but looked forwards to my sessions.
My son is an Exercise Physiologist who also trained with Aimie in one of the gyms in which she worked. He also spoke very highly of her professional and interpersonal skills.
I should add that one of the most experienced and respected personal trainers in Sydney (specialising in middle-aged and older clients), whom I know personally, suffered an injury that took her out of work for a few months and she asked Aimie to train her back to fitness.
I could not recommend Aimie highly enough and was very sad to lose her back to the UK. Should she return to Sydney I’ll be back on her books immediately.
I wish her well in her career back home.
Dr Mark Penny PhD MBBS FRACP