Training with Aimie has been a rewarding interesting and quietly challenging physical growth experience. I’ve increased the flexibility and strength in my shoulders, back and pelvis to an extent I didn’t think was possible! My posture has improved dramatically not just aesthetically, but also when I go hiking now my upper back and shoulders are pain free with my pack on and my knee pain has gone!
Aimie has put exercises in my programs I never thought I’d manage and now I’m doing pull ups at age 60! Each program offers so much variety and Aimie is very encouraging and really understands how the body works and is able to adapt the program at any time.
I was so impressed with Aimie that I encouraged my Husband Leo to train with her to work on his back issues and he loves it too!
Paula Gothelf, Sydney Australa
After my wife Paula got such great results training with Aimie I decided to try a few sessions whilst my Pilates Instructor was away. I’d had back pain for ten years and attended two Pilates classes per week to manage the pain which could leave me bed ridden.
In my Personal Training sessions with Aimie we focused on more ‘functional’ movements and I felt my Core become stronger, Improved Flexibility and strength with the weight training and all around better movement. I now have no issues with my back.
Thank you Aimie
Dr. Leo Gothelf, Anesthetist, Sydney Australia
“I have thoroughly enjoyed training with Aimie the past 3 years.
The sessions were originally rehab oriented because of my ongoing lower back issues.
More recently Aimie has introduced fun low impact movements incorporating my love for yoga and animal flow.
Aimie has an extremely detailed understanding of movement and anatomy yet is able to explain it all so simply.
What I love about Aimie is that she listens deeply and is a very nurturing soul.
I am extremely grateful to Aimie and can wholeheartedly recommend her passionate and compassionate approach to exercise.”
Catherine Gow, Sydney Australia
I have known Aimie for many years. She projects a quiet presence combined with a sophisticated awareness of her field of expertise that endears her to clients and colleagues alike, and as a role model for those trying to improve both body and mind, she is transparent, caring and professional. Her gentle and sometimes almost spiritual approach to yoga and physical training is encouraging and warm, and her clients find this motivating and calming. She comes highly recommended for any age, but especially those past 40.
Dr Roy Sugarman, Director of Applied Neuroscience, Performance Innovation Team, Team EXOS USA
Having reached my forties I have gone through the usual gamut of unused gym memberships, fitness classes encompassing the latest fad equipment and personal training sessions which started well but ended as weekly chat sessions rather than a workout!   The realisation I am no longer as fit as I was, coupled with a nagging hip problem which the medical profession seemed happy to consign to long term pain relief, meant I was feeling pretty disillusioned with the whole fitness thing and resigned that I could no longer do things I enjoyed: even simple things like walking the dog were becoming increasingly challenging.
Then I met Aimie. Within the first two sessions she highlighted aspects of my posture which if not causing were definitely exacerbating my hip problems and set herself the challenge of improving my mobility, my posture, my stamina and overall general fitness. What can I say – it has worked perfectly! Aimie has a fresh and innovative approach to exercise. My routine is no longer about how long I can pound away on a treadmill or how much weight I can lift. It is structured and tailored to suit my specific needs and problems. Aimie is invaluable in setting and helping me to achieve challenging yet realistic, attainable and effective goals and I have seen great results. Aimie is quietly confident, enthusiastic, encouraging and motivating – a consummate professional.
Exercise has become fun again, I look forward to each session and leave exhausted but motivated, fulfilled and eagerly anticipating the next one! Aimie has helped me to get stronger, I have increased energy levels, a range of movement and mobility I never expected to regain and more importantly I feel amazing and so much more confident. I cannot recommend her highly enough! – Jane B, Worcester
From our initial meeting with Aimie in July 2010, my wife Sally and I have found her infectious enthusiasm and undoubted ability a perfect combination for motivating us to change our attitude and “lifestyleâ€, whilst achieving a better all-round fitness. Over the last few months we have taken on board so many of Aimie’s interesting and varied programmes and enjoyable training methods , and can say without question that we are feeling the benefit enormously. Aimie has taught us to appreciate that our role in this programme is just as important as her own, to that end and with her guidance, we have modified our eating plans and nutrition so that we take far more interest in what we eat and drink and when. Aimie utilises the latest equipment in her training programmes and constantly monitors our Health as well as our body weight and hydration. Her pleasant personality and manner make it so easy for both my wife and myself to train together and yet achieve different personal goals under the same leadership.
After only 3 months we are a more toned, energetic and fitter couple, plus our body weights and flexibility are vastly improved. Aimie has taught us to appreciate and focus on important areas of our body and their needs, she has shown us that we can cope more easily with the pressures of today’s hectic social and worklife balance and helped us enjoy our new attitude to Health and fitness. Yes, we actually look forward to our sessions and feel that we are really part of a new team. That’s the “A†(aimie) team !! Sally and I, both agree that Aimie has been instrumental in giving us far more pleasure from fitness training than we ever thought was possible. Have fun, get fitter, what better incentive!!
Thanks Aimie! -David and Sally T, Worcester
Aimie has helped me enormously in many ways. Sessions are fun and interesting and I have improved my posture, fitness and range of movement and become more toned. Aimie is very observant and encourages exercises to be carried out correctly and gently gives guidence if required. I have training to improve my fitness, suppleness, posture and health through exercise and nutrition.I have chosen Aimie because she is excellent at her job, very knowledgable, dedicated and keen to provide a program to suit one’s individual needs. She is genuinely a lovely person and I really enjoy her sessions which are very varried, interesting and make me feel so good.
– Jane, Worcester
What do you get out of Personal Training with Aimie?
Aimie keeps me on track, varies my routine, keeps it interesting, counsels and coaches.
Why do you have personal training?
At first it was because I didn’t know what I was doing. Now it is because I want to develop further, vary my routine, achieve little goals and be motivated by someone who understands the difficulties
Why have you chosen Aimie as your trainer?
Because she connected with me, she took an interest and now we have got to know each other I can’t see any reason to move away. She has been a key part in the significant progress I have made since starting at a Gym for the first time about 4 years ago, and I would recommend her to anyone
-Terry R, Worcester
When I was about 48 I realised that the weight was getting out of hand, elastic waistbands were the norm along with loose fitting tops and nothing backless – there is only so much muffin top people can cope with. I embarked a sensible eating plan, tracking what I ate on a day to day basis and dropped 21lbs, that’s about 10 kilo. But I wanted to shape up as well as lose some weight, so I joined a good health club in Worcester and that’s where I met Aimie.
Having received my induction from a very nice, muscular, young man who suggested: rower, treadmill, bike and the cross trainer I started with about 15 minutes on each – after a few weeks I’d racked up the levels and improved on speed, now my challenge was around boredom. I saw other people using free weights, resistance machines and other kit but I didn’t know how to use it and had retained my plump middle aged mentality, so didn’t ask!
One day Aimie strolled over and started to chat, nothing heavy, just asking me how I was doing, could she give me any support, would I like to try a few different things. Well, of course, I was up for that and from that moment on Aimie and I have worked together, firstly at that gym and then over the past couple of years at her own gym. I’m certainly no longer plump, although sadly, even Aimie can’t shed any of the years I’ve accrued over half a century, I feel confident, wear jeans and backless numbers are now positively sought after. My physical appearance and things like blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol levels and so on are those expected of somebody much younger than me. I’ve also stopped comparing myself with 22 year olds and look at people my own age to see how well I’m doing rather than chasing an impossible dream. I know that if Aimie hadn’t strolled over for that chat I would have become bored and left the gym, which is a pity because I love free weights, push ups, the plank and even have a punch bag in my garage and some pink boxing gloves – much to my mother’s dismay!
Aimie’s imaginative workouts keep the boredom at bay she also understands that we all have good days and bad days and tailors the session to cope with the bad and make the best out of the good. If I can do it I think just about anyone can – with a bit of support of course!
Through training with Aimie I have improved flexibility throughout my body. Having suffered for many years with a series of back related problems that at times left me immobile and in constant pain, through training and taking dietary advice from Aimie I am now fully mobile and free of pain for days at a time.
I have personal training to become stronger through one to one training. Â There is no competition when working with a personal trainer and each session is tailored to maximise my potential despite how I may be feeling or what I am capable of achieving on any given day.
Aimie is interested in long term goals no short term wins which for me is important when putting my trust in a personal trainer. Â Aimie has empowered me to achieve my goals through training and a change in lifestyle, especially dietary changes which have contributed to major improvements to my health and generally well being when combined with a tailored workout.
-May, Sweaty Betty Ambassador
I have a desk bound job and understandably as a result of this have suffered with poor posture and low back pain for a number of years. I had undergone all of the usual investigations and consulted both a Chiropractor and an Osteopath but essentially the consensus was that I needed to work on my posture and improve my core strength and stability. The pain reached a crescendo earlier this year and I was prompted to once again seek help. This time I was determined to find a solution. I was approaching my mid-thirties and I was conscious that my ‘back problem’ was holding me back from doing the things I really enjoyed (and more!).
I heard about Aimie and decided to find out if and/or how she may be able to help. My interest was in doing some Pilates but the idea of a large class really didn’t appeal. I decided to attend a one-to-one session with Aimie and immediately felt comfortable and reassured that progress could be made. Aimie’s knowledge of her subject area is extremely impressive and not only was she able to advise me as to what sort of exercises and routines would help with my particular problem, she was able to explain all of the necessary anatomy and physiology involved. Aimie’s in-depth knowledge of her area and continuous dedication is complimented by her warm and caring personality. Not only is she approachable and attentive but she shows a genuine interest and is always encouraging and enthusiastic.
After only a few one-to-one sessions, my back pain had gone. I now regularly attend Aimie’s Pilates classes and try to practice routines Aimie has customised for me at home. I have to admit that I’m not all that motivated when it comes to doing my homework and as such I wouldn’t be able to manage without the weekly Pilates classes which keep me on track. I used to have a major phobia about attending any sort of fitness class but Aimie’s classes are not at all what I had imagined. For a start, they are very small – with only 4 people or sometimes less. Consequently Aimie is able to observe how everyone is progressing and has time to ‘tweak’ members of the group and address specific issues wherever necessary. The classes are a very valued and important part of my week and I always leave feeling not only stretched but relaxed and refreshed.
Thank you Aimie!
Bella, Worcester
Entering my rebellious years at the age of 16 came along with great reluctance to do anything and to achieve very little with my life. My unmotivated lifestyle and great pleasure for munching on my calorific snacks turned into me piling on a few pounds onto my already chubby self and becoming a little unfit. As a result of this my mother decided that a gym membership would be a great way to get me out of the house and doing something productive. Instead, my gym membership turned out to be wasted money due to my poor attendance or just the occasional trip for me to go sit in the steam room. As a result of this my mum invested in some personal training sessions with Aimie (very much against my own free will). After being kicked out of the door to go to my first session and dreading being bullied by some incredibly fit personal trainer, my first session began. Luckily on my arrival I was greeted by Aimie who was supportive and really welcoming but no push over to say the least. Aimie was really understanding towards my lack of enthusiasm towards exercise and really worked around this by making me do shorter exercises that would keep me motivated. I left my first session feeling achy, tired a little emotional but really felt like I had achieved something. Three years on, having left school and finished my first year at university, I still train with Aimie when I get the chance and she’s really supportive to me even not in my sessions. Not only is she my personal trainer but we’ve developed a real friendship and she’s helped support me personally and with any physical problems I may have been. Without her I know that I would not have been motivated at all to do anything with my fitness levels but also with my actual diet. I’m really grateful for all her support, knowledge and constant contact with me keeping me interested and enthused into staying fit and healthy.
Roya, 19,  Student
Roya – Far Right, looking glamorous as ever!
Thank you Aimie for your constant patience with me! I am Aimies mum and have never enjoyed exercise or ‘getting sweaty’. I tried going to the gym but didnt like being with lots of’ perfect’ people. I felt out of place and uncomfortable. I now  go to Pilates twice a week with Aimie and have really noticed a difference. I have more movement and  flexibility in my back and my leg muscles have strengthened considerably! She has taught me how to use a golf ball to improve my balance too.
Due to the  various exercises and stretching techniques Aimie has shown me, I can now reach the top bolt on our storage unit at work!! (I had to stand on a chair before)
Our lessons fly by, there’s no-one ‘watching the time’ and the relaxation techniques are lovely.
Thank you Aimie