Happy New Year All!
I hope you have all had a lovely rest over Christmas and are ready to begin tackling some new goals and challenges for 2011!
This is an invitation to the first gym meeting of the year, which will be held on:
Tuesday January 18th @ 7.30 pm,
During the above meeting I will give you some more detail as to my plans for this year as well as further hints and tips to help encourage a healthy and happy lifestyle. The theme of the meeting will be based around setting realistic aspirations, considering how to achieve those targets and generally getting back into a good routine in both exercise and diet.
In addition, here is a sneak peak of some of the new services available to all of you for 2011…
I am starting up Pilates classes in January and will then be introducing group training sessions with a maximum of 4 people per class. As some of you may already be aware, I introduced training with a friend in late 2010, where you and a friend can train together and share the cost and more importantly the results! It has already proved extremely popular and I will explain more on the 18th January.
The first classes I have arranged are detailed below and as they will operate on a first come first serve basis. Therefore please contact me if you are interested and would like further details in advance of the meeting.
Classes in January:
Wednesday 19th @ 10 am – Pilates (only 2 spaces left)
Thursday 20th @ 6pm – Pilates (full)
Classes in February:
I will be starting the group personal training sessions and adding in some more Pilates sessions and I will send details in the near future.
Classes in the Spring/Summer:
I will be introducing numerous boot camps when the weather gets a little warmer and these will take place in outdoor locations in Worcester and will be a fantastic way to get ready for those summer holidays!
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at the meeting and please feel free to bring friends/ family who you feel would benefit from coming along.