40 days!

It’s the first day of lent so what better time than this to spring clean our bodies!

Why not try giving 1 thing up for lent and also introducing 1 thing back in?

You could try cutting out wheat then adding in more pumpkin and hemp seeds which are a great source of amino acids and full of essential fats which feed the brain and the skin and nails. Or even cutting out half an hour of TV and adding in a brisk walk daily.

Whatever you choose to do have a plan to stick to. Keep lots of healthy snacks around like nuts, seeds and lovely raw fruits, veg and juices also drink lots of water to stop the blood sugar dips which cause those sugar cravings.

I have decided to give up the little dairy I eat for 40 days and to introduce green juices every day!

In the spirit of the 40 days I will try to add as many yummy healthy recipes onto the site as I can to keep you all motivated and feeling fantastic!

Good Luck everyone and let me know what you plan to do!

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