I am very excited to let you all know that I will be starting the NEW TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING CLASS in Worcester this Wednesday evening at 6 pm! We will work the entire body with this fantastic piece of kit, get a sweat going and have a fun, energetic session in the sunshine!
TRX Suspension training was developed by the Navy for ease of training in any condition or space with time limits, it can be hooked  on the back of a door in a hotel room, over a tree branch or the monkey bars at the park when the children are playing (see early bird boot camp!)  You can perform over 700 exercises on the TRX, plus anyone can use it! It’s safe for kids and adults of all ages and abilities, I love it and use it for strength training, cardio and stretching in most of my own workouts!
Plus it puts the fun back into training! So why not book in for a TRX Session? The only thing you have to lose are those love handles!