Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 1

Hey lovely people,

I hope you are all well! My lovely friend and neighbour Karen has just started coming along to my Monday morning yoga class at 6.15 am and is really enjoying it. So I asked her very nicely if she would mind writing a weekly yoga diary for you all… so here is the first one…

Week 1

Class 6.15am Monday morning, its early!!!! I’ve been so stiff lately, its time I did something about it!! I put on my jogging bottoms and off I went.

I knew the second we started I made the right choice. I’m quite fit as I do a lot of walking but flexible I’m not!! My hips in particular are very stiff.

We started with some breathing and warm up moves, nice and gentle. We then moved into the sun salutation, I fell in love with this immediately. We started with the basic movements and then, as we went along, Aimie expanded it further. The way the body moves feels wonderful. Winding down at the end of the class I never realised a concrete floor could be so comfortable, I could have gone to sleep!!

I left my first yoga class feeling revitalised, full of enthusiasm and promising myself I would practice the sun salutation every day.

Have a wonderful day! Aimie x

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