
Hello everyone!

I just wanted to say a big well done to Sally and Dave, Claire, May and Phillipa who all worked really hard in the gym challenge! They can look forward to redeeming their prizes in the near future.

In January I will be launching the January Gym Challenge! I hope it will get everyone excited to get back into the gym after the Christmas break.

The average person puts on 5 lbs over Christmas so here are some tips to keep fat gain at bay over the hoilday…

1. Exercise first thing in the morning

Not only will it stop you blowing it off later after you may have eaten a little more than planned, but it will set your day up nicely by boosting your metabolism and will leave you feeling very virtuous and your will stronger to turn down that extra mince pie!

Try quick 20 minute workout mixing up compound body weight exercises like squats, press ups, hamstring bridge, stick ups, mountain climbers and tricep press ups. Do a minute of each with 30 seconds of star jumps and skipping in between. You will be sweating in no time, plus you can do this at home, so the even the snow can’t stop you!

2. Up your greens

Now is the time to get those spinach smoothies out (see recipes)! The spinach and fresh apple juice are full of nutrients and enzymes, the ginger is very soothing on the gut!

Try adding some cucumber, asparagus, Kale ect. to your breakfast – Try an organic free range egg omelette with spinach, tomato and basil, with steamed asparagus and Kale. I promise you will feel better after all these lovely vegetables and the protein in the eggs will keep you full for longer!

3. Be Prepared

Keep small bags of almonds and seeds in your bags, cars etc. this way when you feel peckish you will have something to hand instead of trying to find a healthy snack in the service station. The protein and essential oils will not only keep your blood sugar stable, but will help to rebuild cells in the body! Remember refined sugar is an anti-nutrient, we do not get any benefit from eating it! So eat well the majority of the time and really savour the treats!

4. Go for a walk, post meal.

After you do the dishes, fight the urge to just collapse on the sofa. Instead, give your metabolism a little boost with some movement and fresh air (weather permitting).

5. Don’t hover over the buffet table.

You will eat more when an entire table of food is beckoning. Pick your options, put them on your plate and then step away from the buffet table.

6. Give away any leftovers

Send each guest home with something they can enjoy the next day, freeing you from temptation!

7. Choose wisely

Don’t waste time on food you can eat anytime of year, pick your treats and savour every bite!

8. Today is a new day!

Get straight back on track, one day won’t hurt, but giving up will. Enjoy Christmas then get your January goal written up and stuck to the fridge.

Bring on the skinny jeans!

Have a Merry Christmas and I wish you all a fit and healthy new year!


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