Let’s talk about Lungs

Our bodies are amazing! With all of our bones, muscles, organs, glands and every other system all working together without us having to think about any of it!

Today I want to share with you some interesting information about our awesome lungs… in Chinese medicine each organ and gland are lovely naked with different emotions, the lungs are linked with grief, rejection, sadness, sorrow and self-abuse (you can see all the emotions on the next slide) When my Nan passed away my Dad, Grandad and myself all had coughs that lasted 8-12 weeks.
The lungs are linked with the deltoid (shoulder) muscles, Coracobrachialis (tiny muscle in the shoulder)muscle and the Serratus Anterior (muscles around the rib cage) muscles.

When we have emotions that become trapped in the body or not fully expressed, our health can suffer, our muscles might be tight or may be prone to injury or discomfort.

Using the Emotion Code and Body Code we are able to use applied Kinesiology testing to find and easily release these trapped emotions, allowing the body to heal itself.

My first experience of this was about 3 years ago, I had a locked jaw for 2 weeks and nothing I had tried was helping. Until I had a Bodycode session, among other things I had trapped emotions in my left lung, which when released gave instant relief to my jaw, the pain melted away and I could move my mouth easily again. From that day on I was obsessed with using the Emotion Code and Body Code to help my personal training clients to become totally pain-free!

I’ll continue to post more information for you guys as this has been a life-changing addition to what I am able to do with my clients, family and friends to help them feel better and live!

When looking at the lungs I have to talk to you about the benefits of breath work. When we are under pressure or stress, our breath becomes shallow and we are unable to fully fill our lungs with oxygen which is the most important thing for our bodies! I’ll post a few different ways to help with breath work this week, my favourites are alternate nostril breathing and square breathing, looking forward to sharing this with you!

Have a beautiful day and keep breathing!! x x x

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