What is holding you back?

Hey guys,

I hope everyone is having a great week! I’ve had a very interesting, self reflective week which has bought me to the question… What is holding you back?

What is holding you back from your dream body?
What is holding you back from your dream job?
What is holding you back from starting new hobbies?
What stops you buying that outfit you would love to wear?
What is holding you back from forgiving someone?
What is holding you back from forgiving yourself?
What is holding you back from asking for that pay increase, that you really deserve?
What is holding you back from going to the gym/going for that run/starting that class?
What is holding you back from asking that person out?
What is holding you back from trying something new?
What is holding you back from writing that book?
What is holding you back from doing what you love doing?
What is holding you back from taking a leap?

What is holding you back?

I’ve spent a lot of time mulling these questions over and asking friends, family, gym buddies and some of the answers are fear of failure, fear of success, fear of change, what if I can’t maintain the change? I would have no excuses not to get there if I stopped doing…

It has been very interesting and most people said that if they stopped holding themselves back they might just get exactly what they want, which actually scares them.

I’ve decided to let go, to let go of all of the excuses, to let go of my fears, to let go of all negatives. I am going to do 1 new thing every day! Will you join me?


Once you decide, once you commit to doing that thing, the thing you spend all of your time thinking about, the thing that is always there, in the back of your mind… decide to do it, chunk it down into smaller bite size, doable things, like’ “today i will go to the gym” or “today I will drink more water” or “I’m going to try a meditation class”, what ever it is, just do 1 thing to get you closer to that thing, the thing that is always there…

On that note, the thing I’ve always wanted, the thing that keeps grumbling at the back of my mind, the thing that holds me back is abs, I want washboard, show stopping abs, so today, right now, I am going for a run, then 30 minutes of yoga and 5 minutes of the toughest core exercises I can think up. Then rest of my day will be better for this!

What are you going to do?

What are you going to let go of?

What are your dreams?

Go for it… You are worth living your very best life!

Have a great day!

Love Aimie xxx

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