Hello my lovely friends, I hope today finds you well!
The topic of today’s blog is waking up and wanting to go back to bed… this rarely happens to me anymore, I normally wake up, run to empty my bladder and meditate for 12-30 minutes, depending on what time I start work, then bounce round to the gym with green smoothie in hand. But today…
Today I felt tired, quiet and like I could sleep all day, I woke up at 7 with plans of going to the gym early, but rolled over to wake up at 8.30, still feeling tired and winey. So I decided to start the day with juice to hydrate and fill my body with enzymes… I had 2, one with orange, apple and carrot, then a green juice with 1 cucumber, 1 green squash, 1 grapefruit, 1 lemon and 2 apples. I also made a green smoothie for a bit later with spinach, the leaves from my cauliflower I’m having for tea, passion fruit, 1 lemon, 1/2 pineapple and 4 bananas blended with water.
Then set off to do my yoga portfolio before my sessions that started at 12. Well, I sat there, sat there, re-read the same lines 20 times, phoned my husband to see what he was up to and he had some words of wisdom “why don’t you do yoga instead?” So I did… I had the loveliest, calmest session in months, I just focused on my breathing and it felt wonderful! After my sessions, which went far better than they would’e without my 30 minutes of calm, I decided to do another 30 minutes of just feeling my ribs move with the breath in different positions. After that I felt back on track, ready to get going again and I’ve felt much better this afternoon. Sometimes with our busy lives and mulit-tasking, constant links to social media and seeing what everyone else is doing we can get over whelmed!
Simply slowing down, giving ourselves time, peace, quiet, breath and a bit of self love is all we need!
So, I’m going to do my third half hour of something calm today now and I hope you feel inspired to do something kind for yourself too!
Have a wonderful day!xx