When I was 21 I was sick, really sick, fainting daily, Urinary tract infections, kidney infections, IBS, suspected Crohn’s Disease, acne and I would fall asleep everywhere! I then turned it all around with nutrition… with the help of 2 amazing nutritionists I got the best health of my life and have been able to share my knowledge and experiences with my beautiful client’s who inspired me to write ‘Nourish with Aimie’, a book full of recipes, hints and tips, stories and much more, from the past 14 years since making these changes…
Over the years I’ve leant so much and this book is just the beginning of the information I want to share with you all. The book is full of vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, refined sugar free, alkaline, nourishing recipes I hope you will love as much as I do! I’ve found a lifestyle that keeps me happy and healthy and I hope this inspires you to find what works for you!
If you would like an ebook please click here  https://payhip.com/b/nR3Q
Or if you would like a hard copy please email aimie@moveandnourish.com Hard copies are £20 each and £2.80 for postage, payment can be made via paypal and we will get it out in the post to you as soon as we receive payment. I hope you enjoy it!
Have a wonderful day!
Love Aimie xx