Tag: Abs

  • New Year, So Let’s Try Something New…

    New Year, So Let’s Try Something New…

    Hello Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to 2016! I personally like to look at good food, nutrition, mindset and of course a regular exercise routine as the foundations to an amazing life, which will help you to feel calm in times where there can feel like…

  • Dessert Special – Tasty Tuesday

    Dessert Special – Tasty Tuesday

    Do you fancy learning how to make amazing, sin-free desserts? Got a sweet tooth like I do?? Aimie’s next Tasty Tuesday is on Tuesday 29th September @ 7pm and she will guide you through some yummy & nutritious food & drink, including: * a delicious green smoothie upon arrival * a brilliantly quick & easy,…

  • Mango and Avo Salad

    Mango and Avo Salad

      Hello beautiful people!! Happy Weekend! I had a really delicious salad that I thought needed sharing with the world…so here you go! This is the salad my mum makes me when I’m working late…how lucky am I! It’s so delicious and will tempt everyone who sees you eating it! My little cousins who are…

  • Welcome to the CMT – The CORE Momentum Trainer

    Hello Lovely People! I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather and are excited about the summer wardrobes coming back out and feeling the warm sun on your skin! I am! I’ve already been eating my watermelons in the garden getting that awesome vitamin D in! Now I want to introduce you to a…

  • Dare to Breathe – breathing challenge – Week 1 – 30 breaths

    Hello Lovely People! I’m really excited about this challenge…I started it last week and just had to share it with you all and what better day to start than a Monday? so, let’s get started…. I love lent, and decided to give up shallow breathing… yep, shallow breathing! A few years ago I went to…

  • Exercise Inspo for You…

    Hello Gorgeous People! What a beautiful Monday morning! As I walked to teach yoga this morning at 6.15 am it was actually light! Yay! Spring is nearly here! So, to inspire you all to move a bit more I am adding daily videos up onto Instagram, simply download it on your phone or ipad and…

  • Come and join all the fun on Instagram….

    Hey Gorgeous Peeps! How’s your training going? Are you inspired or looking for a bit of motivation? Well, I’m here to help! Check out my instagram account, @aimie_nourish where I’ll share my favourite exercises, recipes and daily inspirations to help you feel healthier, happier and more excited about your health! So come on over and…

  • Welcome to ‘Nourish with Aimie’

    Hello Lovely Lovely People!!! I hope you are all enjoying the glorious sunshine! I am very, very proud to announce that finally my first recipe book, ‘Nourish with Aimie’ is complete! It’s been an incredible journey and a lot of fun making all my favourite food and photographing it for the book of recipes that…

  • Day 13 – Awesome Core Challenge May 2013

  • Day 12 – Awesome Core Challenge May 2013

    This one is really good fun!xx