Welcome to ‘Nourish with Aimie’
Hello Lovely Lovely People!!! I hope you are all enjoying the glorious sunshine! I am very, very proud to announce that finally my first recipe book, ‘Nourish with Aimie’ is complete! It’s been an incredible journey and a lot of fun making all my favourite food and photographing it for the book of recipes that…
Overheard Today – Eat That Frog….
Hollo Lovely Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a glorious day! I’m feeling extremely grateful for having had a brilliant busy day of training absolutely lovely, inspiring, wonderful people today and just wanted to share a conversation we had this morning in our 6.15 am bootcamp about “Eating The Frog” “If you eat a…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 7
Yoga Week 7 Mondays come round so quick!! The alarms gone off and I’m up and ready to go. It’s just starting to get light and it’s been raining. Aimies gym is lovely and warm. We start, cross legged with a breathing exercise, breathing first through one nostril then the other. Sitting in this position…
Corestick Class
Hello Lovelies! I just wanted to share some photos of the corestick in action… (as always click on any image to make it bigger!) Have a great day!xx
Day 12 – Awesome Core Challenge May 2013
This one is really good fun!xx
Day 11 Awesome Abs Challenge – May 2013
Day 10 – Awesome Abs Challenge May 2013
Day 9 – Awesome Abs Challenge 2013
Day 5 – Awesome Abs and Strong Core Challenge May 2013
Day 5… Enjoy! xx
Exercise of the Month – August
Check out Louise performing a great exercise to get her legs, Abs, Arms and heart working! We also do a similar version at Bootcamp using the TRX!!!