You can do it… Try the 1:7 ratio
Good morning!! Most of us have no idea of our potential, we underestimate ourselves and know more about our limitations than our skills. Do you know about the 1:7 ratio? We remember negatives, insults or hurtful experiences 7 times more than positives, this was to help us survive when we first came to this earth,…
My top 5 Tips for Happiness…
Hello Lovely People! This subject has come up quite a lot recently… Happiness! I’ve been asked by quite a few people, “What makes you so happy?” and it got me thinking about the most important things I do that keep me happy. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t always been this happy, it has taken…
Hello lovely people! I hope today finds you well! We had a great corestick class last night, we worked up a great sweat and had a very interesting discussion which has inspired today’s blog…. Compliments… Giving them and receiving them. So, over the last year I’ve made daily meditation and self reflection part of my…