Meditation and Relaxation Day July 10th & 11th 2015
Nigel and I are very excited to announce that on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th July we will be holding a awesome relaxation, meditation and functional yoga day, you will be fed, watered, juiced, smoothie-ed, raw chocolate-ed and calm… We can’t wait! We’ve get the menu, the plan and a beautiful location in Leigh…
Bonus Recipe!!! Goooey Birthday Cup-Cake….mmmmm
Hello my beauties! In all of the excitement of the book release this week I’ve been floating on cloud 9 and am feeling even more inspired than usual! It was my awesome designer James’s birthday on Tuesday, so I got my butt in the kitchen to make him something special! James has over-hauled his diet…
Monday Super Salad Club and Lunchtime Workout….
Hey Lovely People! I’m very excited about the NEW EDITION to the time table, come and join me for a lunchtime workout followed by a salad share! Simply bring your favourite healthy salad and we all share our tasty food to help keep us inspired and to help inspire others…be the change you wish to…