Tag: Personal Trainer Worcester

  • Mark Penny Testimonial

    I received a lovely testimonial from such a wonderful man I used to train in Sydney and just had to post it. Mark is an incredible doctor in Sydney and he was such a pleasure to work with and in the 2 years I had the pleasure of training him he achieved amazing things with…

  • Exciting News…. Meet Mike

    Exciting News…. Meet Mike

    Hello gorgeous people!! Meet my amazing friend Mike, he is awesome! He is inspirational and I think you all need to meet him! As you all know, I’m a huge fan of meditation and love my daily practice of either breath work, visualisation meditations or one of my favourite’s, Yogic Nidra (I’ll post a do-along-at-home…

  • Dessert Special – Tasty Tuesday

    Dessert Special – Tasty Tuesday

    Do you fancy learning how to make amazing, sin-free desserts? Got a sweet tooth like I do?? Aimie’s next Tasty Tuesday is on Tuesday 29th September @ 7pm and she will guide you through some yummy & nutritious food & drink, including: * a delicious green smoothie upon arrival * a brilliantly quick & easy,…

  • I love BBQ…

    Hello Food Fans! If you are anything like me you will totally love summer and all of the delicious foods that come with it… sun ripened strawberries, fresh juices and salads, super sweet fruits and BBQ’s!! “Say what? BBQ? Aren’t you vegan?” I hear you cry, yes I am, but that doesn’t stop me totally…

  • “The more you do… the more you can do”

    “The more you do… the more you can do”

    Hello!!! Happy Monday all! I hope you are all well! I just had to share a little story about a wonderful lady I train, Julie, she is an amazing woman, with an amazing daughter and beautiful grandchildren! Julie always inspires me with her amazing attitude, never ending kindness and the love she has for her…

  • Turmeric…let’s give it a go…

    Turmeric…let’s give it a go…

    Happy Monday lovely people!!! So…you’ve all heard the hype, you need Turmeric, it’s anti inflammatory, countries that use Turmeric have a much lower rate of disease, it’s a super food right… but how to use it? Well, I just need to tell you this and then we will get onto the yummy nourishing stuff… sugar,…

  • Good Luck in the London Marathon!

    Good Luck in the London Marathon!

    Good Morning Sports Fans! Today is the day…It’s the London Marathon!!! Woooooo Hoooooo!!! Good luck to everyone running today! You’ve put in all the hard work and training, now it’s time to enjoy it! After working with BBC Hereford and Worcester this week to produce some video’s for runners and those who fancy starting running…

  • You can do it!

    Aloha Lovely People! This week I’ve been thinking about and reflecting on the power of the phrase “you can do it!” – what does it mean to you? I wanted to share a quick story with you from my teens… When I was 16, I had just started my journey to better health. I saw…

  • Anti-inflammitory Turmeric Smoothie

    Good afternoon! I’m on a roll this week, I feel I’ve got so much I need to share with you all! This morning I made this utterly delicious smoothie which will delight your taste buds and also sooth your cells! It’s super simple and soooo tasty! Turmeric is amazing and has been linked to the…

  • Welcome to the CMT – The CORE Momentum Trainer

    Hello Lovely People! I hope you are all enjoying the warmer weather and are excited about the summer wardrobes coming back out and feeling the warm sun on your skin! I am! I’ve already been eating my watermelons in the garden getting that awesome vitamin D in! Now I want to introduce you to a…