Tag: Personal Training Worcester

  • The 5 rites

    Hello Lovely Lovely People! How are you all? I hope you are having a wonderful Month! The strawberries are growing and the sun is out! In my constant, evolving journey of becoming more awesome and helping others realise how awesome they are I’ve taken on the goal of doing The 5 Rites everyday for 30…

  • Youtube…

    Hey lovely people! I hope you are all well! As you all know I’m very excited about my new website…it is being built and is all very exciting! I can’t wait for you all to see it! There will be tons of videos for you all to try at home to keep you fit and…

  • Julie, such an inspiration!

    I just wanted to share Julie’s AWESOME transformation with you all! She has lost 2 stone, exercises every day, walking with the dog and coming to my bootcamp and corestick classes and she has been wonderful to work with, she has taken my advice and looks incredible for it, but most importantly, feels amazing! Well…

  • Even More Functional Press Ups

    Ann-Marie certainly worked hard on Monday, here are my very favourite press ups which open the pecs in 3 planes making them super functional! Yay! If you suffer with that little bit of softness just by your armpit you will love what these press ups do! They lengthen the pec maximally which will open your…

  • 4 week Meditation Course

    I’m full of exciting news today lovely people! Some of you may know Nigel, who has very kindly agreed to take a 4 week meditation course starting from 23rd April at 6 pm, then every other week for 4 weeks! Many of you will know the huge benefits of meditation, but may find actually doing…

  • Week 1 of 52 weeks, 52 Changes

    Two posts in one day! Well, I’m feeling particularly motivated, the sun is shining and the sky is blue! Spring is nearly here and I want to help you lovely people feeling great! Over the past few weeks I have tried something a little different inspired by the amazing nutrition experts, Kimberly Snyder and David…

  • Craniosacral Therapy Coming To Worcester!

    I am really excited to let you all know that we have the wonderful Peter Nicholl, Craniosacral Therapist/ Genius coming to our neck of the woods Tuesday 30th October 2012, spaces are limited, half of the sessions have already been booked! So call me on 07828 296 068 to book an hour long session with…

  • Get Rid of Bloating for Good!

    Hello Lovely Athletes! I hope this post finds you well! As most of you know I am on a bit of a mission to get super lean for Christmas. It can be so easy to stay in maintenance of you body shape and fitness levels, when deep down you really want more, so I am…

  • The Christmas Press Ups Challenge!!! Wooo…bring on the little red dress/cut off shirt!!!

    Good morning all! I hope you are enjoying the sunshine! With the build up to Christmas coming in, 84 days to go!!! Myself and all of my lovely athletes have come up with a group goal. Having a goal is always good, but you can hugely maximise your results with the help, encouragement and a…

  • Recipe of the Week

    Salad_of_the_week Enjoy the quick and easy recipe of the week! Check out the exercise of the week to follow!