Tag: Raw food Worcester

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 5

    Week 5 It’s 6.15am, very dark and I’m off to my yoga class! I wonder what we’ll do today?We start our breathing exercise today in mountain pose, this grounds us and wakes up the body. It eases you slowly into preparing the body for the movements to come. I’m really starting to understand the importance…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 2

    Week 2 I’ve practiced 5 days out of seven, it was no effort, I wanted to do it, yoga must be addictive!! I tried practicing in the evenings, but it just didn’t feel comfortable, early morning is the best time for me. Our lesson starts with breathing exercises, this really relaxes me for the gentle…

  • Autumn Juice recipe…

    This juice was delish! Seasonal, Orange and warming…enjoy!xx

  • Weight Loss Tip 2 – Relax

    Ok, this is a tip everyone seems shocked by, but in today’s hectic lives where families have both parents working, trying to do their best , we seem to have more and more pressure, commitments and things to do, who doesn’t feel like we need more hours in the day? I meet people every week…

  • Monday Super Salad Club and Lunchtime Workout….

    Hey Lovely People! I’m very excited about the NEW EDITION to the time table, come and join me for a lunchtime workout followed by a salad share! Simply bring your favourite healthy salad and we all share our tasty food to help keep us inspired and to help inspire others…be the change you wish to…

  • The 5 rites

    Hello Lovely Lovely People! How are you all? I hope you are having a wonderful Month! The strawberries are growing and the sun is out! In my constant, evolving journey of becoming more awesome and helping others realise how awesome they are I’ve taken on the goal of doing The 5 Rites everyday for 30…

  • Tasty Tuesday Recipes…

    Tasty Tuesday was lovely this month, it was the first that I did at my house! Yay! Click the pictures to see the recipes! Enjoy!

  • Next Tasty Tuesday – Tuesday 16th April!

    I’m so excited to announce the next Tasty Tuesday will be 6 pm April 16th at my home! Check out the poster above for full details, please book your space ASAP to avoid disappointment! It is going to be full of wonderful food! Yay!xx

  • 21 days to make a change…

    Good morning all! I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend! I have to admit I have been feeling a little sorry for myself, last week I had a bit of a cold and was feeling a bit stessed about moving house. I kept my diet very clean (as always) but my exercise slipped,…

  • Healthy, Raw, Vegan, Sugar Free, Healthy Milkshakes

    Occasionally Matt and I get a real craving for something sweet, delicious and healthy! We love these two milkshakes, they are amazing and definitely worth a try next time you fancy something a bit naughty but very, very, very nice… Enjoy!