Karens Yoga Diary – Week 9
Yoga Week 9 5.45am ‘Time to Say Goodby’ is my alarm going off, I love that song!! No lying in for an extra 5 minuets this morning!! After our breathing and warming up we start to practice some floor poses. We start on all fours breathing in and out to the cat pose. From here…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 6
Week 6 It’s Monday 6.15 am, not too cold at all today. The clocks went back last night so its lighter this morning, I didn’t need my torch! I’ve noticed some really impressive improvements this week! We went walking yesterday and I was climbing over the styles, of which there were several, like a gazelle!…
Day 12 – Awesome Core Challenge May 2013
This one is really good fun!xx
Day 11 Awesome Abs Challenge – May 2013
Mango – Coco Delight Smoothie
There are some mornings where I fancy a really bright smoothie and Saturday was one of those days, this lovely smoothie reminded me of summer and tasted amazing! Packed full of goodness! 1 Ripe Soft Sweet Mango 4 Ripe spotty bananas Coconut water Blend until perfectly yellow and smooth, Enjoy!xx