30 day yoga challenge
As some of you will know I love yoga, I might not be the best at it and have been known to fall out of my headstands giggling, but it’s super fun to learn new things and we only fall down to pick ourselves back up. I started up again 3 years ago because…
A Super Creamy Tropical Green Smoothie For You…
Hey there awesome people! Happy Christmas and I hope you are all having an amazing time over this festive period! Today Matt dragged my butt out of bed for a 6.45 am spin session…. I grumbled, but feel soooo much better for doing it followed by a fun, functional weights session, then off shopping to…
Raw Green Alkaline Protein Soup…
Hello Gorgeous People! I hope you are all wonderful! Christmas is nearly here and already I’m hearing people who are fed up of the poor food choices around Christmas, going out for Christmas meals, having an overload of cakes and chocolates passed around the office, unwanted gifts of refined sugars and trans fats, so this…
BBC Hereford and Worcester – Calorie Labeling
Hello People! I hope your having an awesome Friday! I’ve just come back from a discussion on BBC Hereford and Worcester with Andrew Easton, where we were looking at a study done in New York to see if people were given information on how many calories were in the food and the exercise equivalent needed…
What to do on a hard day…
Hello my lovely friends, I hope today finds you well! The topic of today’s blog is waking up and wanting to go back to bed… this rarely happens to me anymore, I normally wake up, run to empty my bladder and meditate for 12-30 minutes, depending on what time I start work, then bounce round…
Time Table…
Click me to make me big xx
Wash your veggies!
Just a quick one today… Wash your veggies… So, if you can’t get organic, it’s really important to clean your fruits and veg, to remove those nasty pestiside that kill the bugs! There won’t be as many nutrients in non-organic foods, but we can give ’em a good clean to save our bodies the hard…
If you want to try an awesome fun workout with me come along to Bootcamp or Corestick! They are so good for you and you will enjoy the wide variety of exercises, equipment and the people who come are amazing! Go on…Give it a go!xx
Green Smoothie Day 2…
Oh my goodness…. have you tried parsley in a green smoothie? I didn’t know what I had been missing! It is amazing for detoxing and incredibly yummy! YAY! 150 g Spinach big handful of parsley 4 figs water Blend Add ripe banana Add mango = 100% Amazing yummy super smoothie!
Day 4 – Abs Challenge! Great for anyone!
Enjoy all!xx