Exciting News!
Hello Lovely People! I do hope you are all having a gorgeous build up to Christmas and enjoying the blue skies! I just wanted to catch you all up with some exciting news…. The book is finished…. well, nearly, we just need one final go at the front cover and all my beautiful fit family…
Tip No. 1 for Weight Loss
Hey all! I hope you are well! After my last blog I’m going to be posting my favourite tips for weight loss…so here goes… No.1 – Enjoy the journey! Simply make sure, whatever you do, you enjoy it! If you’ve always fancied yoga find a class and try it! If you love the great outdoors…
New Facebook Page – Aimie’s Tasty Tuesday
Hey Athletes! If you are interested in food, nutrition, looking amazing, feeling amazing, getting motivated and sharing your own healthy ideas with people I have created the group for you! Aimie’s Tasty Tuesday! Please go to http://www.facebook.com/AimiesTastyTuesday and hit the LIKE button for everything nutrition, food and lifestyle you will need to get a flatter…
New Salad Recipe!!!