Tag: Worcester Yoga

  • A bit of yoga fun…

    A bit of yoga fun…

    Hey Lovely People! As I do practise a lot of exercise myself and with my clients (it’s not all green smoothies and raw cheesecakes – wink) I thought I’d share with you some fun moves you can expect sneaking into classes… I’ve take open-bend-stretch from yoga and had a little play, so in this first…

  • Exciting News…. Meet Mike

    Exciting News…. Meet Mike

    Hello gorgeous people!! Meet my amazing friend Mike, he is awesome! He is inspirational and I think you all need to meet him! As you all know, I’m a huge fan of meditation and love my daily practice of either breath work, visualisation meditations or one of my favourite’s, Yogic Nidra (I’ll post a do-along-at-home…

  • Relaxation Weekend!!!

    Relaxation Weekend!!!

    Hello Lovely People!!! We are now in September!!! Wooo Hoooo!!! Our awesome relaxation weekend will soon be here! spaces have been filling up and Nigel and I can’t wait to introduce you to some really amazing relaxation techniques, delicious raw food and lovely yoga moves and flows! We’ve got Saturday 26th September and Sunday 27th,…

  • Relaxation Weekend 26th & 27th September 2015

    Relaxation Weekend 26th & 27th September 2015

      Hello Lovely People!!! I hope you are having a truly wonderful week and enjoying the lovely weather! I am delighted to tell you that we have another relaxation weekend planned for this September, we have two days planned which are both fantastic and quite different… You may want to come along to just one…

  • I love BBQ…

    Hello Food Fans! If you are anything like me you will totally love summer and all of the delicious foods that come with it… sun ripened strawberries, fresh juices and salads, super sweet fruits and BBQ’s!! “Say what? BBQ? Aren’t you vegan?” I hear you cry, yes I am, but that doesn’t stop me totally…

  • Day 2 of the yoga challenge

    Day 2 of the yoga challenge
  • 30 day yoga challenge

      As some of you will know I love yoga, I might not be the best at it and have been known to fall out of my headstands giggling, but it’s super fun to learn new things and we only fall down to pick ourselves back up. I started up again 3 years ago because…

  • Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

    Watermelon Smoothie Recipe

      Using my favourite hydrating fruit…watermelon… here’s a quick video for making a beautiful summer drink to nourish your cells and your soul! Happy Monday all!xx  

  • Turmeric…let’s give it a go…

    Turmeric…let’s give it a go…

    Happy Monday lovely people!!! So…you’ve all heard the hype, you need Turmeric, it’s anti inflammatory, countries that use Turmeric have a much lower rate of disease, it’s a super food right… but how to use it? Well, I just need to tell you this and then we will get onto the yummy nourishing stuff… sugar,…

  • Where can I get the book?

    Hello lovely people! WOW!!! I’m absolutely delighted with the response I’ve been getting with ‘Nourish with Aimie’ I have copies of the book at my studio in Worcester, but to help everyone who wants one easily get hold of a copy I’m really excited to let anyone who would like a copy of the book…