Tag: Worcester Yoga

  • Weight Loss Tip 2 – Relax

    Ok, this is a tip everyone seems shocked by, but in today’s hectic lives where families have both parents working, trying to do their best , we seem to have more and more pressure, commitments and things to do, who doesn’t feel like we need more hours in the day? I meet people every week…

  • New Timetable up..

    I’m very excited to have added some extra classes to our timetable! Yoga is the main new feature this summer, so lets get calm, happy, toned and awesome!xx

  • What to do on a hard day…

    Hello my lovely friends, I hope today finds you well! The topic of today’s blog is waking up and wanting to go back to bed… this rarely happens to me anymore, I normally wake up, run to empty my bladder and meditate for 12-30 minutes, depending on what time I start work, then bounce round…

  • Win this Tefal Express Food Shredder in 2014

    Good morning everyone!! So we have a new prize for the most motivational athlete to attend any of my bootcamps, Pilates classes, meditation class or personal training sessions… Over January and February the person who impressed me the most will win this awesome tefal express!! You’ve got to be in it to win it, so…

  • Come and get awesome!!!

    Hey People! I just wanted to say how awesome everyone is who comes to see me, I’m so impressed with everyone’s motivation and dedication! I’m really lucky to have such amazing people in my life! You should come and meet them! At the moment there is space for 2 new people in Monday night Corestick…