Tag: Worcestershire Yoga

  • Anti-inflam Christmas Juice

    Bonjour my little petit-pois! As Christmas is a time many of us get a little under the weather as we push ourselves with deadline, get stressed about finding the perfect gifts and worry about keeping everyone happy I wanted to share with you all Matt and my favourite juice recipe at the moment… it is…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 4

    Week 4 Monday 5.45 am, my alarm goes off, it’s playing ‘Time To Say Goodbye’ motivating me to say goodbye to my old self and hello to the new! We start with sitting (on blocks for me) and our legs crossed. Aimie starts taking us through our breathing exercise, mentally preparing us for our practice.…

  • 31 Day Yoga Challenge complete – The 5 things that have improved from 1 month of yoga…

    Hey Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying this lovely mild weather! I always find that after the summer I can feel a little lethargic in October, so this year I set myself the challenge of simply nourishing myself in October, by eating lots of seasonal foods and drinking…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 3

    Week 3 This last weeks been good. I’ve practiced my sun salutation, with the extra moves I could remember, I feel really good. The feel of the movements just makes my body feel alive. We practiced the sun salutation adding to what we’d learnt last week, putting different positions together. It just flowed from one…