Category: News

  • Welcome to ‘Nourish with Aimie’

    Hello Lovely Lovely People!!! I hope you are all enjoying the glorious sunshine! I am very, very proud to announce that finally my first recipe book, ‘Nourish with Aimie’ is complete! It’s been an incredible journey and a lot of fun making all my favourite food and photographing it for the book of recipes that…

  • Overheard Today – Eat That Frog….

    Hollo Lovely Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a glorious day! I’m feeling extremely grateful for having had a brilliant busy day of training absolutely lovely, inspiring, wonderful people today and just wanted to share a conversation we had this morning in our 6.15 am bootcamp about “Eating The Frog” “If you eat a…

  • Hydrate… yes… drink more water….

    Hello lovelies! I know you’ve heard this time and time again, but hydration is simply your best friend if you want to feel any of these things… -fresh -light -energetic -happy -bouncy -clear headed -sparklie eyed -ready to get in the gym Over Christmas, I, like many others I suspect, fell out of my routine…

  • The perfect day to start meditating…

    Happy Tuesday all! As it’s the first week of January, what better time to start a meditation practice than now? Come along tonight to our Meditation group, at The Move and Nourish Studio, 6 pm for a free introduction to Meditation and mindfullness, it’s the perfect class for a beginner or anyone who want’s to…

  • De-Cluttering… It’s good for your health!

    Good morning! I hope you are well, re-energised and excited about 2015! I’ve had a great morning with lots of lovely people kicking off their week with fitness! Which inspired me to mention a goal I’ve been working on and chatting about today…de-cluttering. I love this photo above, because, at times I’ve simply wanted to…

  • Happy New Year – January’s Goals…

    Hello! And Happy 2015! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and are ready for a great New Year! Firstly I would like to tell you a little about my goals this year. Over the past few months I’ve been really looking at what I want to achieve this year and it’s really very…

  • A Super Creamy Tropical Green Smoothie For You…

    Hey there awesome people! Happy Christmas and I hope you are all having an amazing time over this festive period! Today Matt dragged my butt out of bed for a 6.45 am spin session…. I grumbled, but feel soooo much better for doing it followed by a fun, functional weights session, then off shopping to…

  • Anti-inflam Christmas Juice

    Bonjour my little petit-pois! As Christmas is a time many of us get a little under the weather as we push ourselves with deadline, get stressed about finding the perfect gifts and worry about keeping everyone happy I wanted to share with you all Matt and my favourite juice recipe at the moment… it is…

  • Raw Green Alkaline Protein Soup…

    Hello Gorgeous People! I hope you are all wonderful! Christmas is nearly here and already I’m hearing people who are fed up of the poor food choices around Christmas, going out for Christmas meals, having an overload of cakes and chocolates passed around the office, unwanted gifts of refined sugars and trans fats, so this…

  • Karen’s yoga diary – Week 8

    Yoga Week 8 Another Monday morning and off to yoga!! Today after our warming up we start to do warrior 3, bending from the hip sideways, I’m not at all supple my back doesn’t seem to give in this position!! This is one to practice at home daily!! We also start to explore pigeon pose,…