Category: News

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 7

    Yoga Week 7 Mondays come round so quick!! The alarms gone off and I’m up and ready to go. It’s just starting to get light and it’s been raining. Aimies gym is lovely and warm. We start, cross legged with a breathing exercise, breathing first through one nostril then the other. Sitting in this position…

  • Exciting News!

    Hello Lovely People! I do hope you are all having a gorgeous build up to Christmas and enjoying the blue skies! I just wanted to catch you all up with some exciting news…. The book is finished…. well, nearly, we just need one final go at the front cover and all my beautiful fit family…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 6

    Week 6 It’s Monday 6.15 am, not too cold at all today. The clocks went back last night so its lighter this morning, I didn’t need my torch! I’ve noticed some really impressive improvements this week! We went walking yesterday and I was climbing over the styles, of which there were several, like a gazelle!…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 5

    Week 5 It’s 6.15am, very dark and I’m off to my yoga class! I wonder what we’ll do today?We start our breathing exercise today in mountain pose, this grounds us and wakes up the body. It eases you slowly into preparing the body for the movements to come. I’m really starting to understand the importance…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 4

    Week 4 Monday 5.45 am, my alarm goes off, it’s playing ‘Time To Say Goodbye’ motivating me to say goodbye to my old self and hello to the new! We start with sitting (on blocks for me) and our legs crossed. Aimie starts taking us through our breathing exercise, mentally preparing us for our practice.…

  • My Super Warming, Thai Quinoa…

    Making a grain-free Thai dish for evening meals in the winter months… This is really simple and only takes 20 minutes! This meal is soooo good and will not leave you with a carb-hangover like a big rice or pasta dish! The quinoa is packed full of amino acids, the coconut is a healthy source…

  • The secret to getting ahead is simply getting started

    Hey Lovely People! How’s it going? I hope you are all finding the transition into winter wonderful with this lovely weather we’ve been having! Today is just a short thought I wanted to share with you… Doing something imperfectly is better than not doing something perfectly! When we go out and I meet new people…

  • 31 Day Yoga Challenge complete – The 5 things that have improved from 1 month of yoga…

    Hey Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying this lovely mild weather! I always find that after the summer I can feel a little lethargic in October, so this year I set myself the challenge of simply nourishing myself in October, by eating lots of seasonal foods and drinking…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 3

    Week 3 This last weeks been good. I’ve practiced my sun salutation, with the extra moves I could remember, I feel really good. The feel of the movements just makes my body feel alive. We practiced the sun salutation adding to what we’d learnt last week, putting different positions together. It just flowed from one…

  • Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 2

    Week 2 I’ve practiced 5 days out of seven, it was no effort, I wanted to do it, yoga must be addictive!! I tried practicing in the evenings, but it just didn’t feel comfortable, early morning is the best time for me. Our lesson starts with breathing exercises, this really relaxes me for the gentle…