BBC Hereford and Worcester – Calorie Labeling
Hello People! I hope your having an awesome Friday! I’ve just come back from a discussion on BBC Hereford and Worcester with Andrew Easton, where we were looking at a study done in New York to see if people were given information on how many calories were in the food and the exercise equivalent needed…
Where is your happy place?
Hello Beautiful People! I hope you are all enjoying the lovely Autumn colours and are getting some fresh air daily! I want to write about your or my happy place today… It can be a place you visit simply through meditation or a place you actually go to. For some people it might be a…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 1
Hey lovely people, I hope you are all well! My lovely friend and neighbour Karen has just started coming along to my Monday morning yoga class at 6.15 am and is really enjoying it. So I asked her very nicely if she would mind writing a weekly yoga diary for you all… so here is…
Autumn Juice recipe…
This juice was delish! Seasonal, Orange and warming…enjoy!xx
My top 5 Tips for Happiness…
Hello Lovely People! This subject has come up quite a lot recently… Happiness! I’ve been asked by quite a few people, “What makes you so happy?” and it got me thinking about the most important things I do that keep me happy. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t always been this happy, it has taken…
Weight Loss Tip 2 – Relax
Ok, this is a tip everyone seems shocked by, but in today’s hectic lives where families have both parents working, trying to do their best , we seem to have more and more pressure, commitments and things to do, who doesn’t feel like we need more hours in the day? I meet people every week…
Tip No. 1 for Weight Loss
Hey all! I hope you are well! After my last blog I’m going to be posting my favourite tips for weight loss…so here goes… No.1 – Enjoy the journey! Simply make sure, whatever you do, you enjoy it! If you’ve always fancied yoga find a class and try it! If you love the great outdoors…
Superfoods to try…
Monday Super Salad Club and Lunchtime Workout….
Hey Lovely People! I’m very excited about the NEW EDITION to the time table, come and join me for a lunchtime workout followed by a salad share! Simply bring your favourite healthy salad and we all share our tasty food to help keep us inspired and to help inspire others…be the change you wish to…