Category: News

  • New Timetable up..

    I’m very excited to have added some extra classes to our timetable! Yoga is the main new feature this summer, so lets get calm, happy, toned and awesome!xx

  • Raspberry Banana (Raw Vegan) Ice Cream Shake…

    Hello!! Ohhh wow…this “milk shake” was totally delicious on Sunday, it was so easy and reminded me of banana milkshakes when we were kids! It’s totally healthy, raw, vegan, sugar free, gluten free and awesome! It only needs 4 ingredients… 8 ripe bananas 300g frozen raspberries ice 300 ml water simply blend the bananas and…

  • Purple Smoothie Recipe…

    Hello Gorgeous People! Here is a lovely recipe for the gut! I was really pleased with this smoothie that was totally delicious and full of nutrients! Enjoy!

  • The 5 rites

    Hello Lovely Lovely People! How are you all? I hope you are having a wonderful Month! The strawberries are growing and the sun is out! In my constant, evolving journey of becoming more awesome and helping others realise how awesome they are I’ve taken on the goal of doing The 5 Rites everyday for 30…

  • Happy Summer Smoothie Recipe

    Good Morning Happy People! I just wanted to share this delicious smoothie recipe with you now that raspberries are coming into season! This smoothie is packed full of fibre and vitamins and minerals to make your bodies and minds happy and healthy! Enjoy! Love Aimie xx

  • How to have a happy day!

    Aloha Beautiful People! I hope you are all well! I’m so sorry about the lack of blogs recently, I’ve just finished my yoga qualification and am starting up a very new, exciting business to run alongside and compliment my wonderful work as a Personal Trainer and coach and am also finishing a recipe book that…

  • What to do on a hard day…

    Hello my lovely friends, I hope today finds you well! The topic of today’s blog is waking up and wanting to go back to bed… this rarely happens to me anymore, I normally wake up, run to empty my bladder and meditate for 12-30 minutes, depending on what time I start work, then bounce round…

  • Youtube…

    Hey lovely people! I hope you are all well! As you all know I’m very excited about my new website…it is being built and is all very exciting! I can’t wait for you all to see it! There will be tons of videos for you all to try at home to keep you fit and…

  • Compliments…

    Hello lovely people! I hope today finds you well! We had a great corestick class last night, we worked up a great sweat and had a very interesting discussion which has inspired today’s blog…. Compliments… Giving them and receiving them. So, over the last year I’ve made daily meditation and self reflection part of my…

  • Win this Tefal Express Food Shredder in 2014

    Good morning everyone!! So we have a new prize for the most motivational athlete to attend any of my bootcamps, Pilates classes, meditation class or personal training sessions… Over January and February the person who impressed me the most will win this awesome tefal express!! You’ve got to be in it to win it, so…