Day 2 of the yoga challenge
30 day yoga challenge
As some of you will know I love yoga, I might not be the best at it and have been known to fall out of my headstands giggling, but it’s super fun to learn new things and we only fall down to pick ourselves back up. I started up again 3 years ago because…
Mango and Avo Salad
Hello beautiful people!! Happy Weekend! I had a really delicious salad that I thought needed sharing with the world…so here you go! This is the salad my mum makes me when I’m working late…how lucky am I! It’s so delicious and will tempt everyone who sees you eating it! My little cousins who are…
Nourish with Aimie @ Wholefoods Cheltenham
I’m super excited to invite you all to a much needed Tasty Tuesday… on a Friday!! At WholeFoods in Cheltenham!! I’ve loved WholeFoods since our first visit in New York in 2010 and I’m delighted to be hosting this exciting event at my local WholeFoods!! I hope you can make it! The menu is full…
Coriander Wraps
Ok…I’m super excited to share my awesome coriander wraps with you guys… they are so good and make me feel super happy! I’m going to attempt a coconut and basil, then an oregano pizza style next… what do you want to see next? These wraps are great for those of us who loved sandwiches…
Home Workout with the GripR by Escape Fitness
Hello my beautiful friends! Happy Monday! As promised for my favourite people, here is a workout for you to try at home with the GripR, one of my favourite pieces of kit by  Escape Fitness it’s so versatile and in y opinion the best value item ever!! There is so much fun to be had with…
Mango Green Smoothie Recipe…
Happy New Week to you all! What better way to start the day than a totally delicious nourishing breakfast! I love starting my day with lots of lovely water to flush out the cobwebs! I love bamboo charcoal filtered water and this black and blum bottle is perfect for when you are on the go……
Nourish with Aimie
Hello Gorgeous People! Happy Thursday! Here is a little inside look at ‘Nourish with Aimie’ for a hard copy please email me at aimie@moveandnourish.com or for the ebook check out  https://payhip.com/b/nR3Q I’m off to edit some yummy recipe video’s for you all now! Have a wonderful day! Love Aimie xx
Meditation and Relaxation Day July 10th & 11th 2015
Nigel and I are very excited to announce that on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th July we will be holding a awesome relaxation, meditation and functional yoga day, you will be fed, watered, juiced, smoothie-ed, raw chocolate-ed and calm… We can’t wait! We’ve get the menu, the plan and a beautiful location in Leigh…
Watermelon Smoothie Recipe
Using my favourite hydrating fruit…watermelon… here’s a quick video for making a beautiful summer drink to nourish your cells and your soul! Happy Monday all!xx