Category: News

  • Turmeric…let’s give it a go…

    Turmeric…let’s give it a go…

    Happy Monday lovely people!!! So…you’ve all heard the hype, you need Turmeric, it’s anti inflammatory, countries that use Turmeric have a much lower rate of disease, it’s a super food right… but how to use it? Well, I just need to tell you this and then we will get onto the yummy nourishing stuff… sugar,…

  • You can do it… Try the 1:7 ratio

    You can do it… Try the 1:7 ratio

    Good morning!! Most of us have no idea of our potential, we underestimate ourselves and know more about our limitations than our skills. Do you know about the 1:7 ratio? We remember negatives, insults or hurtful experiences 7 times more than positives, this was to help us survive when we first came to this earth,…

  • Good Luck in the London Marathon!

    Good Luck in the London Marathon!

    Good Morning Sports Fans! Today is the day…It’s the London Marathon!!! Woooooo Hoooooo!!! Good luck to everyone running today! You’ve put in all the hard work and training, now it’s time to enjoy it! After working with BBC Hereford and Worcester this week to produce some video’s for runners and those who fancy starting running…

  • You can do it!

    Aloha Lovely People! This week I’ve been thinking about and reflecting on the power of the phrase “you can do it!” – what does it mean to you? I wanted to share a quick story with you from my teens… When I was 16, I had just started my journey to better health. I saw…

  • Do a good deed… pick up some litter!

    Good afternoon everyone! I hope this sunny week is treating you well! On a happiness note, doing a good deed makes us feel good, increases our happiness hormones and our inner awesomeness shines out! So for the past few weeks every time I empty the bins at the studio I walk home collecting every piece…

  • Bonus Recipe!!! Goooey Birthday Cup-Cake….mmmmm

    Bonus Recipe!!! Goooey Birthday Cup-Cake….mmmmm

    Hello my beauties! In all of the excitement of the book release this week I’ve been floating on cloud 9 and am feeling even more inspired than usual! It was my awesome designer James’s birthday on Tuesday, so I got my butt in the kitchen to make him something special! James has over-hauled his diet…

  • Where can I get the book?

    Hello lovely people! WOW!!! I’m absolutely delighted with the response I’ve been getting with ‘Nourish with Aimie’ I have copies of the book at my studio in Worcester, but to help everyone who wants one easily get hold of a copy I’m really excited to let anyone who would like a copy of the book…

  • Hardcopies of the book are now available!!!! Woooooo!!!!!

    Hardcopies of the book are now available!!!! Woooooo!!!!!

    Hello Gorgeous People! I’m super duper stoked… stoked, yep, that is a new word to my vocab! We’ll go with it… I’m sooooo excited to share my new book with you in a hard copy! I started writing it 2 years ago with a 14 page plan, which spread to a 254 page full book!…

  • Just Start…

    This morning we had a very inspiring conversation in Bootcamp, talking about the feelings we feel on a consistent basis about our lives. Over the 10 years I’ve been privileged to spend training people it’s become quite apparent that people who feel they are progressing in their personal lives and are doing things that inspire…

  • Go Roy!

    Well done Roy! Roy has been training for his marathon with the aim of under 3.30… he has just completed and…. Roy finished in 3:28:50 Go Roy! I think someone deserves a big green smoothie this week! Roy trains super hard and is very dedicated to his training, we’ve been working on opening his thoracic…