Start Your Own Awesome Book

Awesome book


Hello Lovely People of the world!

Happy Monday! I hope you have had a wonderful day so far! My day has got off to a great start, I love how you can plan a day then more awesome things can happen you never even expected!

So this morning as I was making a litre of green juice and a warm water and lemon I was called to go on BBC Hereford and Worcester to talk about Body Dysmorphia, something I know a lot about through my own experiences and also through working with clients.

I made a long list of topics I could talk about before going on-air and just listened to Toni’s questions and tried to help the listeners as much as I could with the short time I had.

Awesome Book


As we spoke I decided to tell the listeners about something I use a lot with my lovely clients, “My Awesome Book” this is literally the thing that makes the biggest difference! The people who actually do this get incredible results quickly and maintain these results… fantastic right?

So what’s an “Awesome book”? it is simply a beautiful note book that you love that you write down everything you do well in, every compliment you receive, anything you are proud of, every time you choose a healthy option, every time you exercise, anything that will improve your life goes in! Negativity is not for the awesome book! So dump it in the bin and set it on fire! Gone!

If someone tells you you look good it goes in there, if your boss congratulates you for a great job, it goes in, if you get a nice text it goes in…We are simply making you aware of how fantastic you are!


bottle book


Above is my awesome book, with my watermelon smoothie….mmmmm, yum!

If that wasn’t enough I then go on to explain the rule of 1:7 … we remember negative comments 7 times more deeply than positives!


If I told you that you “1. Look great today, 2. You smell great, 3. I love that blog you wrote last week, 4. That salad you made was amazing, what’s the recipe? 5. I love spending time with you 6. You really inspire me 7. That book you leant me was amazing, I love that you always teach me more…. “But then I went on to say, “but dude, your breath is not good today” what would you remember? the breath comment right? You might become self conscious, you might not want to hang out with me anymore? You might book in at the dentist or go straight home to brush those pearly whites, you would forget all the other genuine comment’s I said earlier!

So, if you want to go for absolute, gold star, A*, super committed feelings of awesomeness add the rule of 7 to your book and have fun…So lets take…

1. “Today Jennie said I looked really happy and smiley”

I could take that compliment and write it 7 times, or even better…embellish it…oooooo yeah!

2. Jennie said I looked radiant today, like a victoria Secret’s Model

3. Jennie thinks I look the best I’ve ever looked

4. I do look the best I’ve ever looked, I love my body and I treat it right! I love to exercise and eat and drink awesome foods for my awesome bod!

5. I smile all the time, because I’m awesome and do awesome things, I have awesome friend and I push myself out of my comfort zone!

6. I’m an amazing human, I have limbs that work, I have the ability to move and therefore I move everyday! My body heals itself and I love being alive!

7. All the good inside of me shines out like sunbeams…

You get the picture!

Do this every time you get a compliment and you will be well on the way to feeling like a ballerina ninja, who runs charities and runs marathons! Drinking your green smoothie while doing pull-ups…YEAH!!!

So go and dig an old note book you were bought for your birthday out of the drawer and get started!

You are awesome! You just need to see it!

Sometimes someone else has to believe in us before we can see our true potential, so if you are reading this I know you are awesome! Follow your dreams and never ever ever give up!

Happy Monday Beautiful People!!

Love and peace,

Aimie xxx


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