Hey all!
I hope you are well!
After my last blog I’m going to be posting my favourite tips for weight loss…so here goes…
No.1 – Enjoy the journey! Simply make sure, whatever you do, you enjoy it! If you’ve always fancied yoga find a class and try it! If you love the great outdoors start walking and incorporate more outdoor activities into your week! If, like me your a nutter and as a little girl you wanted a motorbike and to be rocky, training in a barn and hanging off the ceiling doing sit-ups, try a bootcamp, get a trainer who you really like or start some form of self defence. Just find something that makes you smile, stand a little taller and makes you feel proud of yourself!
The same goes with food! Over the past 5 years of my clients all being force fed green smoothies, I’m yet to find one who doesn’t love them or feel better for them, simply start eating or drinking more fresh, natural fruits and veggies and start being kind to yourself and enjoying food you like, that is good for you!
That’s it! Just start enjoying the journey and really living each day!