New Year, So Let’s Try Something New…
Hello Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and are looking forward to 2016! I personally like to look at good food, nutrition, mindset and of course a regular exercise routine as the foundations to an amazing life, which will help you to feel calm in times where there can feel like…
New Timetable and a Little Gift x
Hello Gorgeous People! I hope you are all enjoying the time building up towards Christmas! I certainly am! I feel so lucky that we have had a lovely mild few weeks to enjoy the warm breeze! I’ve been studying more ancient forms of yoga this month and am really enjoying learning more and playing with…
Exciting News…. Meet Mike
Hello gorgeous people!! Meet my amazing friend Mike, he is awesome! He is inspirational and I think you all need to meet him! As you all know, I’m a huge fan of meditation and love my daily practice of either breath work, visualisation meditations or one of my favourite’s, Yogic Nidra (I’ll post a do-along-at-home…
Squash the N.A.Ts and chase the butterflies
Ok, this might sound a bit harsh on the poor old Nat’s, but I promise no animals were harmed in the writing of this post, so hear me out… NATs or ‘Negative Automatic Thoughts’ are straight up a pain in the peachy, perky, rock hard bum. It’s that little internal chatterbox nattering away saying,…
Coriander Wraps
Ok…I’m super excited to share my awesome coriander wraps with you guys… they are so good and make me feel super happy! I’m going to attempt a coconut and basil, then an oregano pizza style next… what do you want to see next? These wraps are great for those of us who loved sandwiches…
Home Workout with the GripR by Escape Fitness
Hello my beautiful friends! Happy Monday! As promised for my favourite people, here is a workout for you to try at home with the GripR, one of my favourite pieces of kit by  Escape Fitness it’s so versatile and in y opinion the best value item ever!! There is so much fun to be had with…
Turmeric…let’s give it a go…
Happy Monday lovely people!!! So…you’ve all heard the hype, you need Turmeric, it’s anti inflammatory, countries that use Turmeric have a much lower rate of disease, it’s a super food right… but how to use it? Well, I just need to tell you this and then we will get onto the yummy nourishing stuff… sugar,…
Where can I get the book?
Hello lovely people! WOW!!! I’m absolutely delighted with the response I’ve been getting with ‘Nourish with Aimie’ I have copies of the book at my studio in Worcester, but to help everyone who wants one easily get hold of a copy I’m really excited to let anyone who would like a copy of the book…
Anti-inflammitory Turmeric Smoothie
Good afternoon! I’m on a roll this week, I feel I’ve got so much I need to share with you all! This morning I made this utterly delicious smoothie which will delight your taste buds and also sooth your cells! It’s super simple and soooo tasty! Turmeric is amazing and has been linked to the…
Athlete Appreciation Week! Day 2 – Lucy
Ok…. this lady has gone through quite the transformation… Lucy has lost 5 stone! Yes, 5 whole stone, 70 lbs, 31.8 kgs! But the thing I’d really like to tell you about Lucy is that she lost 4 stone, then hit a plateau… “Ahhhh, a plateau…to be expected” said the wise man. When we pleateau…