Happy Summer Smoothie Recipe
Good Morning Happy People! I just wanted to share this delicious smoothie recipe with you now that raspberries are coming into season! This smoothie is packed full of fibre and vitamins and minerals to make your bodies and minds happy and healthy! Enjoy! Love Aimie xx
How to have a happy day!
Aloha Beautiful People! I hope you are all well! I’m so sorry about the lack of blogs recently, I’ve just finished my yoga qualification and am starting up a very new, exciting business to run alongside and compliment my wonderful work as a Personal Trainer and coach and am also finishing a recipe book that…
BBC Hereford and Worcester Interview Notes…
Hello Lovely People! I hope everyone is well! I’ve just been on BBC Hereford and Worcester again today talking about obesity as there was a big conference going on in Worcester today debating what should be done to help. So in preparation I took the oppertunity to write some tips for simply getting started… I…
New Time Table
Click me to see me x
Skin – Part 2…
I got quite excited on this subject and wanted to add a little more. for my ladies who are getting some warm flushes please read the wonderful Kimberly Snyder’s blog below. She is my favourite port of call for all things nutrition! http://kimberlysnyder.net/blog/2013/06/29/how-to-relieve-menopause-symptoms/ Again, Kimberly is a real advocate of natural sin care. She has…
Skin… very interesting!
Hey lovely people!!! I hope you are all well and enjoying the great weather still! I’ve just finished my Wednesday morning Pilates class, I love my ladies! We started talking about a very interesting topic, hot flushes and night sweats… A few years ago I started getting really bad night sweats, waking up in the…
Wash your veggies!
Just a quick one today… Wash your veggies… So, if you can’t get organic, it’s really important to clean your fruits and veg, to remove those nasty pestiside that kill the bugs! There won’t be as many nutrients in non-organic foods, but we can give ’em a good clean to save our bodies the hard…
Tasty Tuesday Menu
Click me to make me bigger! 🙂 Right, after all that writing I need to move! Have a great day all! Aimiexx
Yum Yum Yum – how I managed to eat while traveling…
Bonjour Lovely people!!! I hope you are all well! We have just got back from an amazing trip where we had the absolute pleasure of watching our very close friends getting married! Yay! As most of you know I am a sensitive soul in many ways, especially when it comes to food. For my health,…