Tag: Worcester Fitness

  • Green Smoothie of the day…

    My Monday morning, oh dear, nothing in the fridge special (after being away for a week) So this is my delicious smoothie from Monday… 150 g frozen spinach handful fresh corriander from my garden (check me out!- Also great for removing heavy metals and toxins from your beautiful body) 4 dried organic figs (the seeds…

  • Yum Yum Yum – how I managed to eat while traveling…

    Bonjour Lovely people!!! I hope you are all well! We have just got back from an amazing trip where we had the absolute pleasure of watching our very close friends getting married! Yay! As most of you know I am a sensitive soul in many ways, especially when it comes to food. For my health,…

  • Day 3 – May Abs Challenge!

    Day 3! How are you all getting on? I love these ones! Enjoy!xx

  • Day 2 Abs Challenge

    Here is Day 2!

  • May 2013 – Abs Challenge!

    Bikini and board short season is fast approaching so here is the challenge for May… a NEW Core exercise every single day! If you have been following me you will have been doing your 100 Functional Squats AND or Lunges every day in March, then we added in 30 functional press ups every day, so…

  • 21 days to make a change…

    Good morning all! I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend! I have to admit I have been feeling a little sorry for myself, last week I had a bit of a cold and was feeling a bit stessed about moving house. I kept my diet very clean (as always) but my exercise slipped,…

  • You Tube Up and Running

    I have set up a youtube channel at www.youtube.com/AimieSmithPT where I will add more and more exercises for you all to enjoy!