Raw Green Alkaline Protein Soup…
Hello Gorgeous People! I hope you are all wonderful! Christmas is nearly here and already I’m hearing people who are fed up of the poor food choices around Christmas, going out for Christmas meals, having an overload of cakes and chocolates passed around the office, unwanted gifts of refined sugars and trans fats, so this…
Karen’s yoga diary – Week 8
Yoga Week 8 Another Monday morning and off to yoga!! Today after our warming up we start to do warrior 3, bending from the hip sideways, I’m not at all supple my back doesn’t seem to give in this position!! This is one to practice at home daily!! We also start to explore pigeon pose,…
Exciting News!
Hello Lovely People! I do hope you are all having a gorgeous build up to Christmas and enjoying the blue skies! I just wanted to catch you all up with some exciting news…. The book is finished…. well, nearly, we just need one final go at the front cover and all my beautiful fit family…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 6
Week 6 It’s Monday 6.15 am, not too cold at all today. The clocks went back last night so its lighter this morning, I didn’t need my torch! I’ve noticed some really impressive improvements this week! We went walking yesterday and I was climbing over the styles, of which there were several, like a gazelle!…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 5
Week 5 It’s 6.15am, very dark and I’m off to my yoga class! I wonder what we’ll do today?We start our breathing exercise today in mountain pose, this grounds us and wakes up the body. It eases you slowly into preparing the body for the movements to come. I’m really starting to understand the importance…
The secret to getting ahead is simply getting started
Hey Lovely People! How’s it going? I hope you are all finding the transition into winter wonderful with this lovely weather we’ve been having! Today is just a short thought I wanted to share with you… Doing something imperfectly is better than not doing something perfectly! When we go out and I meet new people…
31 Day Yoga Challenge complete – The 5 things that have improved from 1 month of yoga…
Hey Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying this lovely mild weather! I always find that after the summer I can feel a little lethargic in October, so this year I set myself the challenge of simply nourishing myself in October, by eating lots of seasonal foods and drinking…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 3
Week 3 This last weeks been good. I’ve practiced my sun salutation, with the extra moves I could remember, I feel really good. The feel of the movements just makes my body feel alive. We practiced the sun salutation adding to what we’d learnt last week, putting different positions together. It just flowed from one…
BBC Hereford and Worcester – Calorie Labeling
Hello People! I hope your having an awesome Friday! I’ve just come back from a discussion on BBC Hereford and Worcester with Andrew Easton, where we were looking at a study done in New York to see if people were given information on how many calories were in the food and the exercise equivalent needed…
Karen’s Yoga Diary – Week 1
Hey lovely people, I hope you are all well! My lovely friend and neighbour Karen has just started coming along to my Monday morning yoga class at 6.15 am and is really enjoying it. So I asked her very nicely if she would mind writing a weekly yoga diary for you all… so here is…