Tag: yoga Worcester

  • Squash the N.A.Ts and chase the butterflies

    Squash the N.A.Ts and chase the butterflies

      Ok, this might sound a bit harsh on the poor old Nat’s, but I promise no animals were harmed in the writing of this post, so hear me out… NATs or ‘Negative Automatic Thoughts’ are straight up a pain in the peachy, perky, rock hard bum. It’s that little internal chatterbox nattering away saying,…

  • I love BBQ…

    Hello Food Fans! If you are anything like me you will totally love summer and all of the delicious foods that come with it… sun ripened strawberries, fresh juices and salads, super sweet fruits and BBQ’s!! “Say what? BBQ? Aren’t you vegan?” I hear you cry, yes I am, but that doesn’t stop me totally…

  • Tasty Tuesday – Raw Granola Recipe

    Tasty Tuesday – Raw Granola Recipe

    Hello and Happy Tuesday!! Here is an amazingly delicious recipe for my raw granola, which I’ve really enjoyed with my famous banana nice cream that’s featured in my recipe book… it’s perfect as a snack, breakfast or even dessert. Have a wonderful day and enjoy!xx

  • Day 2 of the yoga challenge

    Day 2 of the yoga challenge
  • Mango and Avo Salad

    Mango and Avo Salad

      Hello beautiful people!! Happy Weekend! I had a really delicious salad that I thought needed sharing with the world…so here you go! This is the salad my mum makes me when I’m working late…how lucky am I! It’s so delicious and will tempt everyone who sees you eating it! My little cousins who are…

  • Nourish with Aimie @ Wholefoods Cheltenham

    Nourish with Aimie @ Wholefoods Cheltenham

    I’m super excited to invite you all to a much needed Tasty Tuesday… on a Friday!! At WholeFoods in Cheltenham!! I’ve loved WholeFoods since our first visit in New York in 2010 and I’m delighted to be hosting this exciting event at my local WholeFoods!! I hope you can make it! The menu is full…

  • Nourish with Aimie

    Nourish with Aimie

    Hello Gorgeous People! Happy Thursday! Here is a little inside look at ‘Nourish with Aimie’ for a hard copy please email me at aimie@moveandnourish.com or for the ebook check out  https://payhip.com/b/nR3Q  I’m off to edit some yummy recipe video’s for you all now! Have a wonderful day!   Love Aimie xx

  • Anti-inflammitory Turmeric Smoothie

    Good afternoon! I’m on a roll this week, I feel I’ve got so much I need to share with you all! This morning I made this utterly delicious smoothie which will delight your taste buds and also sooth your cells! It’s super simple and soooo tasty! Turmeric is amazing and has been linked to the…

  • Positive Thinking Creates a Positive Future

    Hey lovely people! I just wanted to share with you all a wonderful quote I heard from the lovely Elizabeth from Forking Fit… Positive Thinking Creates a Positive Future I think it’s wonderful, it says it all! So today, focus on what is right in your life! What you’ve achieved! What you’ve done well that…

  • Dare to Breathe – breathing challenge – Week 1 – 30 breaths

    Hello Lovely People! I’m really excited about this challenge…I started it last week and just had to share it with you all and what better day to start than a Monday? so, let’s get started…. I love lent, and decided to give up shallow breathing… yep, shallow breathing! A few years ago I went to…