Hello Lovely People! I do hope you are all having a gorgeous build up to Christmas and enjoying the blue skies!
I just wanted to catch you all up with some exciting news…. The book is finished…. well, nearly, we just need one final go at the front cover and all my beautiful fit family will get the chance of a paper or ebook copy just in time Christmas!
The recipe book, Nourish with Aimie, is a collection of all the information and delicious recipes that have got my health from a bit of a mess, where I was suffering with IBS, constant fainting, fatigue, constant sickness, bladder problems, kidney problems, acne and so much more to the point of health where I am full of energy, happy, I wake up early and don’t need as much sleep, I have a sense of humor and I want to do things, I want to exercise (this hasn’t always been the case, I used to drag my butt to the gym!) I have so much more enjoyment of every single day, I want to share it with you all!
Secondly, I am really excited to announce that in January, Nigel and I are starting up an incredible website we hope you will all love, www.moveandnourish.com it will be a home for all things movement, exercise, yoga, nutrition and meditation related. Nigel and I have been hard at work since March working on the content for our project, which we hope will help aid you to move more and nourish yourselves in every way!
So look out for lots of new, exciting things coming in January!
I can’t wait to share it all with you!
Have a wonderful day!
Love Aimie x