Category: News

  • Well Done Lucy!

    I want to say a massive well done to Lucy, over October, November and December she absolutely rocked Bootcamp!! Lucy has lost over 4 stone in 2013 and is kicking gym butt! Well done Lucy! She has won the Black and Blum bamboo charcoal bottle!! Yay!! Who will win the tefal express in 2014?

  • Happy New Year!

    Hello lovely people! I hope 2014 finds you well and excited about this next year! I can only urge you to take a little time out to decide on what you want from this year, then make it happen! On Saturday 4th January I completed a run which I’ve been really quite nervous about, I’ve…

  • Come and get awesome!!!

    Hey People! I just wanted to say how awesome everyone is who comes to see me, I’m so impressed with everyone’s motivation and dedication! I’m really lucky to have such amazing people in my life! You should come and meet them! At the moment there is space for 2 new people in Monday night Corestick…

  • A watermelon a day…

    Hello Lovely People! As many of you may know I am currently writing what was going to be a mini guide to green smoothies which has ended up being 50 pages and I haven’t even finished yet! As I’ve been writing down all the things I’ve learnt Matt and I have been discussing how my…

  • You Tube Channel

    Hello Lovely Lovely people! I hope you are all well! I seem to have lost the ability to upload videos on to my site at the moment, but this is the address for my You Tube Channel, so head on over and start moving and or eating! 🙂 Have Fun all and keep moving!…

  • Introduction to meditation…

    Hello Lovely people!!! As requested here is a 5 minute introduction to meditation, go on, give it a go! Stay calm and be kind to yourselves! Aimie xxx

  • What is holding you back?

    Hey guys, I hope everyone is having a great week! I’ve had a very interesting, self reflective week which has bought me to the question… What is holding you back? What is holding you back from your dream body? What is holding you back from your dream job? What is holding you back from starting…

  • BBC Hereford and Worcester Interview Notes…

    Hello Lovely People! I hope everyone is well! I’ve just been on BBC Hereford and Worcester again today talking about obesity as there was a big conference going on in Worcester today debating what should be done to help. So in preparation I took the oppertunity to write some tips for simply getting started… I…

  • My Green Smoothie Book…Coming soon… Sneak Peak…

    Click on the picture above to see a sneak peek of my NEW Green Smoothie Book, I’m so excited and I can’t wait to share it with you all! What do you think?

  • A great experience…

    Hello Lovely People! I hope everyone is having a great day! Anyone who knows me will have seen what a massive wimp I’ve been for the past 2 weeks! I feel over running 2 Sunday’s ago and, not that I’m a drama queen… but took photos of my war wounds! When it happened my first…