Category: News

  • Press-ups to try at home with Ann-Marie

    One of my lovely Bootcampers helped me out with some photos of Press Ups on Monday as my arms were too sore to move… so here are some moves to keep your press ups fun… Doing a normal press up, lowering your weight fully to the ground will get a greater range of movement, get…

  • NEW Timetable!

    Click Me To Make Me Bigger!

  • 4 week Meditation Course

    I’m full of exciting news today lovely people! Some of you may know Nigel, who has very kindly agreed to take a 4 week meditation course starting from 23rd April at 6 pm, then every other week for 4 weeks! Many of you will know the huge benefits of meditation, but may find actually doing…

  • Next Tasty Tuesday – Tuesday 16th April!

    I’m so excited to announce the next Tasty Tuesday will be 6 pm April 16th at my home! Check out the poster above for full details, please book your space ASAP to avoid disappointment! It is going to be full of wonderful food! Yay!xx

  • April Challenge… 30 press ups per day for 30 days!

    Happy April Everyone! It is finally starting to look like spring! With spring comes lovely salads, fruits, more outings and less clothing, so with the success of the 100 squats per day challenge last month I challenge you all to add 30 daily press ups! You will notice beautiful toned arms or for the men,…

  • Mango – Coco Delight Smoothie

    There are some mornings where I fancy a really bright smoothie and Saturday was one of those days, this lovely smoothie reminded me of summer and tasted amazing! Packed full of goodness! 1 Ripe Soft Sweet Mango 4 Ripe spotty bananas Coconut water Blend until perfectly yellow and smooth, Enjoy!xx

  • Recipe – Salsa Salad and Low Fat Raw Vegan Stuffed Pepper

    Good afternoon my lovlies! I hope you are all well! I have been thinking about these yummy peppers since Matt and I ate them on Tuesday, they are so quick, easy and tasty you wouldn’t believe, plus, as many of you have commented, they would go nicely with some organic meat or fish if you…

  • My Natural Deo

    Hello my lovely people! I hope the squats are going well! 🙂 I’ve been promising you all I would post my lovely organic, natural deodorant recipe…so here it is! After 3 years of playing with lots of different natural deodorants and getting t-shirt stains, feeling particularly sweaty, or even worse, really stinky (let’s face it,…

  • Week 1 of 52 weeks, 52 Changes

    Two posts in one day! Well, I’m feeling particularly motivated, the sun is shining and the sky is blue! Spring is nearly here and I want to help you lovely people feeling great! Over the past few weeks I have tried something a little different inspired by the amazing nutrition experts, Kimberly Snyder and David…

  • March Challenge – 100 Squats or Lunges every day!!

    Hello Lovely People!!! I’ve missed you!! It’s great to be back! As many of you know I have been working away for the past few weeks and have had a great few weeks, I got the chance to work in a very cool new gym in Saudi, where I was helping to get lots of…