Category: News

  • Relaxation Weekend!!!

    Relaxation Weekend!!!

    Hello Lovely People!!! We are now in September!!! Wooo Hoooo!!! Our awesome relaxation weekend will soon be here! spaces have been filling up and Nigel and I can’t wait to introduce you to some really amazing relaxation techniques, delicious raw food and lovely yoga moves and flows! We’ve got Saturday 26th September and Sunday 27th,…

  • Tasty Tuesday is Back!!!

    Tasty Tuesday is Back!!!

    Do you ever find it hard to decide what to make for lunch? Want something quick and tasty that will give you energy all afternoon? Well…you are in luck! Tasty Tuesday is back and this month we are looking at super tasty totally gluten free, dairy free and sugar free amazingly tasty lunches to excite…

  • Relaxation Weekend 26th & 27th September 2015

    Relaxation Weekend 26th & 27th September 2015

      Hello Lovely People!!! I hope you are having a truly wonderful week and enjoying the lovely weather! I am delighted to tell you that we have another relaxation weekend planned for this September, we have two days planned which are both fantastic and quite different… You may want to come along to just one…

  • Squash the N.A.Ts and chase the butterflies

    Squash the N.A.Ts and chase the butterflies

      Ok, this might sound a bit harsh on the poor old Nat’s, but I promise no animals were harmed in the writing of this post, so hear me out… NATs or ‘Negative Automatic Thoughts’ are straight up a pain in the peachy, perky, rock hard bum. It’s that little internal chatterbox nattering away saying,…

  • BBQ to Nourish you…

    BBQ to Nourish you…

          Hello Gorgeous People! As promised, here is part 2 of my nourishing BBQ recipes… I hope you enjoy them! Vegan & Gluten Free Bad-Ass BBQ Burger 1. Simply gently roast 4 big flat mushrooms (no-oil), 1 chopped red pepper and 2 slices sweet potatoes (using the ends to make chip shapes) in…

  • I love BBQ…

    Hello Food Fans! If you are anything like me you will totally love summer and all of the delicious foods that come with it… sun ripened strawberries, fresh juices and salads, super sweet fruits and BBQ’s!! “Say what? BBQ? Aren’t you vegan?” I hear you cry, yes I am, but that doesn’t stop me totally…

  • Wholefoods this Friday…

    Wholefoods this Friday…

      Good afternoon my wonderful friends! I hope you are all having a fantastic day! I’m really excited about Wholefoods this Friday, It will be an amazing menu of super tasty foods that are easy to recreate at home absolutely delicious! We still have a few spaces left, so please message me at if…

  • Tasty Tuesday – Raw Granola Recipe

    Tasty Tuesday – Raw Granola Recipe

    Hello and Happy Tuesday!! Here is an amazingly delicious recipe for my raw granola, which I’ve really enjoyed with my famous banana nice cream that’s featured in my recipe book… it’s perfect as a snack, breakfast or even dessert. Have a wonderful day and enjoy!xx

  • Aimie’s Inspirations… Novak Djokovic

    Aimie’s Inspirations… Novak Djokovic

    Hello my lovely health and fitness family! I hope you are all very well! So…I thought I would share with you some of my favourite people who inspire me and after the tennis yesterday I decided to finally write about my favourite tennis star… Novak Djokovic, there are many reasons I always root for Djokovic…

  • “The more you do… the more you can do”

    “The more you do… the more you can do”

    Hello!!! Happy Monday all! I hope you are all well! I just had to share a little story about a wonderful lady I train, Julie, she is an amazing woman, with an amazing daughter and beautiful grandchildren! Julie always inspires me with her amazing attitude, never ending kindness and the love she has for her…