‘I Never Win’ was holding Adam back from his dream

I’ve just woken up to an incredible message, one of my amazing clients has just received the news that the business he has been trying to buy for 4 years has just informed him they are ready to make the deal today!

I’ve been working with Adam for 3 months now and we started releasing the imbalances causing physical pain in his back, his neck and his jaw, interestingly, these were all linked to trapped emotions he had inherited from his parents, after releasing all the blocked emotions his pain disappeared!

Ever since we’ve been working on getting his subconscious mind to believe positive statements, by releasing the blocked emotions that have inhibited them from being true to him.

Yesterday we had one of the most powerful sessions yet. A belief came up that ‘I never win’ Adam couldn’t believe it and told me about how he works so hard and does everything right, but he “NEVER WINS!!!”, so we released the blockages so that the statement was no longer true to him and his voice changed, he felt the difference in his body and mind and said with joy in his voice, ‘I always win!’ The shift had happened!

That brings us to today, the goal he had for 4 years has just become a reality! WOW!! How incredible is that! I am so excited to continue to see his life become more and more magical!

If you feel compelled to change your life right now please get in touch! This is life changing! Email me at aimie@moveandnourish.com

Have a magical day!

Love Aimie x x x

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