Juices, Smoothies And Hello!!!

Ohhhhh, I just have to share with you my love of juices… I’ve spent this morning at a beautiful yoga class then made 2 litres of juice and a smoothie for myself today because that what my body craved! We’ve got carrot, apple, lemon, ginger and turmeric juice….mmmm soooo good! Smoothie wise is my favourite, celery, kale, lemon, banana and avocado, it is literally like drinking calmness!

I’m Aimie and this has not always been how I spent my time, 11 years ago I was sick, I was waiting for a terminal diagnosis, I was in Hospital every other week with Kidney infections, I’d lost control of my bladder, I had nerve damage in my back, my upper back was always so tight and painful, I had IBS, the most awful bloating and abdominal pain that would cause me to spend most of my time curled up in a ball, I could faint up to 4 times a day and my goal every day was to get back into bed, all while working as a Personal Trainer!

Now my life has totally transformed, I have tons of energy, my digestion feels amazing and I feel happy! My goal now is to help as many people as possible with what I’ve learnt over the last 11 years…

Firstly good nutrition is vital to feeling amazing! This is what caused my first massive shift in health, after just 3 months of no gluten, dairy or sugar and tons of probiotics, oregano oil, digestive enzymes and other things all symptoms had disappeared!

Then when we are not totally lacking in energy we can start to notice our thoughts, all of them, all 65,000 daily thoughts, 90% negative and 80% the same as yesterday… so great mental health is a must, understanding ourselves and having great strategies to stay happy, positive and totally accepting of others will give you a sense of ease in your days! Meditation, self inquiry, personal development and growth are all things I now do daily myself and with my clients.

Movement, Ohhhh how I love movement, the more we move in ways that feel amazing to us the more empowered, centred, strong and connected we feel! I’ve spent the past 18 years studying movement and the more I do the more passionate I am about the subject! Over the past 8 years I’ve immersed myself in Functional 3D movement, biomechanics and have felt amazing results myself and seen incredible results in my clients, in our Personal Training sessions, 3D Yoga and Functional Pilates !

Then there is Emotional Release through The Emotion Code and Body Code and Kinesiology that was the final missing piece of the puzzle! I was finding that 90% of my clients physical pain was alleviated through great nutrition, increased water and alkalinity and fantastic movement, but 10% saw no change, until we started releasing trapped emotions! I will continue to post case studies every month to share what is possible! For my my upper back was totally locked, no matter what i did movement wise it was always tight, now after releasing the trapped emotions it feels great, every day! My lock jaw that would be stuck for two weeks at a time, melted away in 5 minutes. I’ve been able to help my family relieve sciatica, migraines, hip pain, IBS and in one case to feel loved again… this really is magical!

If you want a positive shift in your life I provide Online Health Coaching, Fitness and Movement plans and Emotion Code and Body Code Sessions, get in touch, I’d love to meet you! My email is aimie@moveandnourish.com

Glass Bottles: www.mybeautifulbottle.com

Have a beautiful day!

Love Aimie x x x

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