Tag: Nutrition Worcester

  • Positive Thinking Creates a Positive Future

    Hey lovely people! I just wanted to share with you all a wonderful quote I heard from the lovely Elizabeth from Forking Fit… Positive Thinking Creates a Positive Future I think it’s wonderful, it says it all! So today, focus on what is right in your life! What you’ve achieved! What you’ve done well that…

  • Exercise Inspo for You…

    Hello Gorgeous People! What a beautiful Monday morning! As I walked to teach yoga this morning at 6.15 am it was actually light! Yay! Spring is nearly here! So, to inspire you all to move a bit more I am adding daily videos up onto Instagram, simply download it on your phone or ipad and…

  • Welcome to ‘Nourish with Aimie’

    Hello Lovely Lovely People!!! I hope you are all enjoying the glorious sunshine! I am very, very proud to announce that finally my first recipe book, ‘Nourish with Aimie’ is complete! It’s been an incredible journey and a lot of fun making all my favourite food and photographing it for the book of recipes that…

  • Overheard Today – Eat That Frog….

    Hollo Lovely Lovely People! I hope you’ve all had a glorious day! I’m feeling extremely grateful for having had a brilliant busy day of training absolutely lovely, inspiring, wonderful people today and just wanted to share a conversation we had this morning in our 6.15 am bootcamp about “Eating The Frog” “If you eat a…

  • The perfect day to start meditating…

    Happy Tuesday all! As it’s the first week of January, what better time to start a meditation practice than now? Come along tonight to our Meditation group, at The Move and Nourish Studio, 6 pm for a free introduction to Meditation and mindfullness, it’s the perfect class for a beginner or anyone who want’s to…

  • De-Cluttering… It’s good for your health!

    Good morning! I hope you are well, re-energised and excited about 2015! I’ve had a great morning with lots of lovely people kicking off their week with fitness! Which inspired me to mention a goal I’ve been working on and chatting about today…de-cluttering. I love this photo above, because, at times I’ve simply wanted to…

  • Monday Super Salad Club and Lunchtime Workout….

    Hey Lovely People! I’m very excited about the NEW EDITION to the time table, come and join me for a lunchtime workout followed by a salad share! Simply bring your favourite healthy salad and we all share our tasty food to help keep us inspired and to help inspire others…be the change you wish to…

  • The 5 rites

    Hello Lovely Lovely People! How are you all? I hope you are having a wonderful Month! The strawberries are growing and the sun is out! In my constant, evolving journey of becoming more awesome and helping others realise how awesome they are I’ve taken on the goal of doing The 5 Rites everyday for 30…

  • Tasty Tuesday Menu

    Click me to make me bigger! 🙂 Right, after all that writing I need to move! Have a great day all! Aimiexx

  • I love my Nan!

    Hello Lovelies! So for those who haven’t met my Nan, this is Pamela and she is AWESOME! 5 years ago she was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, 15 years before that she found walking hard, couldn’t do up her shoes without being in agony and felt terrible. Being diagnosed with Diabetes gave her the shock…