Category: News

  • Mark Penny Testimonial

    I received a lovely testimonial from such a wonderful man I used to train in Sydney and just had to post it. Mark is an incredible doctor in Sydney and he was such a pleasure to work with and in the 2 years I had the pleasure of training him he achieved amazing things with…

  • BRAND NEW Worcester Studio Update

    BRAND NEW Worcester Studio Update

    Hey Lovely People! I hope you are all safe and well! What a 18 months we’ve all had! I hope if you are reading this right now that you and your loved ones are all doing ok! Having lived in Sydney, Australia between 2016 – 2020 we arrived back in the Worcester, UK on Monday…

  • *New* Beginners Gentle Mobility Course

    Hey lovely people! And Happy New Year!! I am very excited to be starting a Brand New Beginner’s Gentle Mobility Class next week and just wanted to open it up to anyone else who wants to start moving more… I’m looking at 8 am Tuesday’s, to begin with via zoom. I’m running it as a…

  • Linda’s Testimonial

    Linda’s Testimonial

    Linda has been coming to my online classes since day one and is such a joy, here is what she has to say about our online gentle mobility classes… “If you are looking to get stronger, flex with more ease, move with purpose & have fun, join Aimie’s online classes! Aimie is a leading senior…

  • Online Classes and Timetable

    Online Classes and Timetable

    What a few months we have had worldwide with Covid 19. It has been a time of huge uncertainty for everyone and an amazing time to see people come together and support each other by staying indoors, social distancing and generally being amazing friends and neighbours. It’s been a time where the value of daily…

  • Jan’s First 3 Weeks Back Into Training

    Jan’s First 3 Weeks Back Into Training

    Six years ago I met the wonderful Jan, she and her great friend started training with me at the studio. They got great results and since reopening classes online in May 2020, after moving back to the UK, Jan has religiously attended 3 classes a week, here is what she has to say about her…

  • Lewis’s Testimonial

    Lewis’s Testimonial

    I had the pleasure of training Lewis in Sydney after major ankle surgery, we worked on foot mechanics to help him to squat, skateboard and run again. Here is what he had to say about our sessions, “Coming back to the gym after a long time off due to major injury, Aimie has helped me…

  • Online Zoom Classes start this week….

    Online Zoom Classes start this week….

    Very exciting… online mobility classes starting tomorrow, text Aimie on 07828 296 068 for the link to a complimentary trial class. Mobility is where flexibility meets strength. Having the strength to move through many functional movements that will keep you supple, mobile, active and feeling fantastic with the added effect of looking great too! Mixing…

  • Andrew Body Code Testimonial

    Andrew Body Code Testimonial

    I’ve been working with Aimie now as my Body Code Coach for about 30 sessions. I have seen significant changes in many areas of my life. I feel like a very different person to who I was before this. I’ve been lugging around emotions and patterns for many years, and through her work as a…

  • Leon’s Testimonial

    Leon’s Testimonial

    I worked with Aimie in the movement and coaching industry for over 2 years in Sydney, Aimie has been a mentor of a lifetime, to say Aimie is a master in understanding movement is an understatement, she is the coaches coach, she will prescribe you the right amount of movement medicine in the style that…