Category: News

  • New TRX Suspension Training Class!!!

    I am very excited to let you all know that I will be starting the NEW TRX SUSPENSION TRAINING CLASS in Worcester this Wednesday evening at 6 pm! We will work the entire body with this fantastic piece of kit, get a sweat going and have a fun, energetic session in the sunshine! TRX Suspension…

  • Foam Roller Demonstration and Next Meeting

    The roller demonstration was a huge success and well done to Terry who won a free session for attending! In the demonstration we covered a range of exercises from relaxing stretches, massage techniques to really tough core work! There were some very strong cores that night, I was really impressed! I am currently looking to…

  • Foam Roller Demo

    Hey All, We are back to gym meetings again next week! Come along at 7.30 pm (Tuesday 26th April) to the gym for a session on the foam roller. Learn how to use your roller to the best of it’s potential and if you don’t have one learn a few moves you can do at…

  • Nutrition Evening Update

    Hi everyone! This is a final reminder about a talk I hope I have informed the majority of you about in the past few weeks. Peter Pure, a Nutrition expert, primarily based in London, has accepted my invitation to come to Worcester to give a talk on nutrition and in particular a focus on his…

  • Monday 11th April – a talk not to be missed!

    Hi everyone! As most of you probably already know I went on a nutrition weekend in February, and have not stopped talking about it since! Peter, who held the weekend in London has agreed to come to Worcester to do a talk for everyone interested in looking and feeling better! So save the date Monday…

  • Yummy Celery Juice

    This Juice is amazing! It is so refreshing and is a great energy boost! I have enjoyed one every day this week! Juicing is a fantastic way of getting tons of nutrients and lovely enzymes into the body without having to plough through plates of salad. Celery Juice Recipe -1 bunch of celery -1 apple…

  • Nuts about Nuts

    We all know nuts are good, but did you know that they have a natural protective enzyme which stops the proper breakdown of the nut until it reaches its perfect conditions (this is a dark moist place for it to grow). So by soaking nuts over night in the fridge we can breakdown the phytic…

  • The Winner

    I just wanted to say a big well done to Terry who won the 7 week challenge! His hard work has paid off and not only has he achieved more than he had originally planned for, but he has also won a free hot and cold stone massage with Georgie Chester! Then the winner of…

  • 1st healthy snack

    Try freezing ripe raw bananas They are delicious on their own and taste like ice cream, you could cut them in half and use a lolly pop stick to make banana lollies. Or try blending them in to smoothies for a cold creamy texture, my favorite smoothie at the moment is frozen banana, avocado and…

  • 40 days!

    It’s the first day of lent so what better time than this to spring clean our bodies! Why not try giving 1 thing up for lent and also introducing 1 thing back in? You could try cutting out wheat then adding in more pumpkin and hemp seeds which are a great source of amino acids…