Category: News

  • Meeting this Tuesday

    Hello! I just wanted to send out a quick reminder of the gym meeting this Tuesday at 7.30 pm. Please wear gym kit or something comfortable and start thinking about your next fitness and nutrition goals! I’m really excited to see you all there! Best Wishes, Aimie

  • Boost Your Mood Today

    Hello everyone! As you are all probably aware this weekend I attended a fantastic nutrition seminar in London and just wanted to share a few tips with you all. This time of year it is normal to feel summer will never come, so to keep you all in good spirits try eating a handful of…

  • More Pilates

    Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and training hard! Due to popular demand I am looking at adding in another Pilates class to the timetable. I have 2 options for those of you who are interested, either Monday morning at 10 am or Monday evening at 7.17. Places are limited so if you…

  • Valentines Cookies

    With Valentines Day behind us we can look forward to lighter, warmer evenings and enjoying more outdoor activity and lovely summer foods! For those who have a bit of a sweet tooth here is a recipe for some valentines cookies I made for Matt, I must admit I did eat quite a lot of the…

  • March Meeting

    Tuesday March 8th is the date for the next gym meeting, it will be held at the studio at 7.30pm I am asking all attendees to come in gym kit, we are going to get you moving and having fun as well as getting new goals going and heart rates up! All will be revealed…

  • Pilates and Group PT

    Pilates has started and everyone is doing really well! I have seen lots of improvements in posture after only a few sessions, so well done to all who have attended! All of the classes are now full, so if anyone would like to join, please let me know and I can get another group added…

  • Recipes

    Hi All! We are 2 weeks into our 7 week challenge! 5 to go! If you check out my recipes page I have added a few more to give you some ideas to keep on the right track, I will continue to add more, plus pictures over the next few weeks, so keep checking the…

  • Pilates Classes

    I hope this post finds you all well and motivated after the last gym meeting! I just wanted to update everyone with the Pilates Classes that are taking place at the studio. Starting in February… Monday @ 6 PM Thursday @ 7.15 PM Started in January Wednesday @ 10 AM Thursday @ 6 PM Please…

  • Quote of the week

    We must become the change we want to see – Mahatma Gandhi

  • New Year, New Goals

    Happy New Year All! I hope you have all had a lovely rest over Christmas and are ready to begin tackling some new goals and challenges for 2011! This is an invitation to the first gym meeting of the year, which will be held on: Tuesday January 18th @ 7.30 pm, During the above meeting…