Case Study – Overcoming Anxiety, Weight Loss & Off Cigarettes For Good!

I am so excited to share with you some incredible results I’ve been getting with my beautiful client who has Emotion Code and coaching sessions once a week!! She lives in the U.K. and I am in Sydney, Australia and we do our sessions via the phone.

We will call her Laura, Laura has had 10 sessions so far and her initial goal was to try to get rid of her anxiety, which we did in two sessions simply by releasing all the associated trapped emotions, after just two weeks all anxiety has gone and now we are working on weight loss. How exciting!

Laura has been exercising regularly and following a diet for two years and has not lost any weight, she has felt fitter, but her clothes feel the same. So we have created a very inspiring goal and we are simply releasing the emotions that have been inhibiting her results. In the first week of her new focus she lost 2 lbs and that was just from releasing trapped emotions! No change in diet or anything outside that session. Last week she lost 3 kg, the weight that had always felt like a burden is simply falling off! These results are amazing and we are not even at the best part…

Two weeks ago Laura told me that when we started our sessions she had been smoking 20 cigarettes a day, for years. Over the past 8 week she had found she has gone down to 6 cigarettes a day, without trying!! This is the amazing thing with this work, you don’t have to try, the shift happens by releasing the blocks causing either the feeling/emotion or the belief or the behaviour and it’s all caused by trapped/stuck emotions!

Having started studying the Body Code (a far more in depth system to find and release imbalances in the body, which covers chakras, muscles, bones, the nervous system and so much more) and attended another Kinesiology course recently, we used these new techniques to see if we could release the blockages causing Laura to smoke…we released the trapped emotions and we also released a trapped tobacco energy….interesting hey!

What inspired this post is that I’ve just had a session with her and Laura has not even wanted to touch a cigarette since our session! The thought of cigarettes makes her feel sick! 10 weeks ago she smoked 20 a day and for the past 2 weeks she hasn’t smoked 1!

I am so excited for Laura’s future, in 10 weeks I’ve been able to hear the difference in Laura’s life, she now comes onto our calls excited and having experienced amazing magical weeks where things are happening that she had once thought were impossible!

If you would like to experience the shift of these sessions simply contact me by email I’d love for you to get amazing life changing results just like these!

Tons of love,

Aimie x x x

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