Exciting News…. Meet Mike

Hello gorgeous people!!

Meet my amazing friend Mike, he is awesome! He is inspirational and I think you all need to meet him!

As you all know, I’m a huge fan of meditation and love my daily practice of either breath work, visualisation meditations or one of my favourite’s, Yogic Nidra (I’ll post a do-along-at-home version for you all to try soon!)

After spending the past few years practicing Buddhism, Mike wants to share his amazing knowledge with everyone, if you’d like to come we’d love to have you!

So….I’m very excited to let you know he will be guest hosting this Monday’s meditation evening starting 7 pm @ The Move and Nourish Studio.

This will be an amazing opportunity to learn what life is like in Buddhist monasteries, some Buddhist meditation techniques and learn more about happiness through teachings of the Buddha. I can’t wait to hear and learn more!


Mike is so incredibly passionate about health and happiness through the combination of amazing nutrition, exercise and of course meditation!

To attend this wonderful evening please message myself or the lovely Mike and we just kindly ask for just a donation to the Worcester Snoezelen charity on the evening.

Happy weekend everyone and here’s to an even happier week!!

Love Aimie xx

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