Hello!!! Happy Monday all! I hope you are all well!
I just had to share a little story about a wonderful lady I train, Julie, she is an amazing woman, with an amazing daughter and beautiful grandchildren! Julie always inspires me with her amazing attitude, never ending kindness and the love she has for her family!
Julie is also very determined and when she sets her sights on a goal nothing gets in her way…
Last week Julie text me to say she couldn’t get to training this week as she looks after her grandchildren in the day, so could she have another session that week (rather than missing a week or catching up at some time, she wanted to get it in!)… well, I was very impressed and I told her so on her second session that week and she said how much she was enjoying training and her green smoothies, she’s looking fantastic, but feels so much better and the best thing is that she enjoys it!
She then said, ‘the more you do, the more you can do!’ So simple, but so true and I thought this advise might just help anyone reading this. It’s not about trying to do everything a once, but adding in better things along the way. For example, as you move more the more you are able to move with ease, the more weights you lift the more weight you can lift, the more green smoothies you make the quicker and more efficient you become, the longer you prepare healthy meals for (weeks, into months, into years) it just becomes habit and we become more efficient, it seems like it becomes easier and just part of our lives.
With many of my client’s you find very quickly that the things they found really tough in the beginning end up being more of a warm up after a few weeks, goals we’ve worked on end becoming easy and we strive for new challenges. Things we had to get ourselves physically or mentally prepared for become easy and effortless!
So, if you have a goal, just start, the longer you keep pursuing that goal the closer you will get and as Julie says, ‘the more you do, the more you can do!
Go Julie!xx